Influential leadership

Have the trust and loyalty of your followers

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Influential leadership

What You Will Learn!

  • • How to become an authentic, influential leader that inspires change, progression, and growth.
  • • Understand leadership process and How to achieve results within your organization by being a strong leader.
  • • The difference between a manager and a leader and how to be more effective as a leader.
  • • How to motivate your followers to achieve goals and How you can build trust with your team and Mobilize commitment to your agenda at all levels
  • • How to create a shared vision amongst your organization and team.
  • • How to empower people and influence behavior.
  • • Determine an effective influence strategies and tactics to accomplish a goal, regardless of formal authority.
  • • Discover the link between decision makers and influencers.
  • • Develop the skills needed to hold people accountable and get results.
  • . Leadership self assessment test at the end of the course.


Becoming an influential leader requires more than holding a senior position, or having a particular job title, such as ‘manager’ or ‘head of. To become an influential leader, your people need to trust you and follow you because they want to, not because they have to.

In this course you will learn:

Leadership process and skills, difference between leaders and managers, influencing strategies and tactics, how to gain and maximize influence, the outcomes of influence, persuasion skills, how to grow collective leadership, and the relationship between leadership and influence.

Who Should Attend!

  • • Managers, company owners or people aspire to influence and inspire others
  • • Anyone looking to reach an influential leadership role within a company or organization



  • Leadership






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