Inner growth through orchid essences

Become what I always wanted to be

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Inner growth through orchid essences

What You Will Learn!

  • Basic knowledge of flower essences
  • Selection and application of flower essences
  • Knowledge of the qualities of orchid essences
  • Philosophical background of orchid essences


Orchid essences are gentle natural remedies. The most highly developed flowering plants we know complement the energies of the Bach flowers, which heal emotional suffering by imparting fundamental positive soul qualities. The orchid energies are obtained through gentle extraction with the help of sunlight in water, without damaging the plants.

These concentrates of the flower energy help to transfer, absorb and internally integrate the strengths of the orchids. They promote characteristics that are already inherent in us, which could be described as the basic skills of being human. Orchids focus on positive qualities, they teach empathy, care and love as well as dreaming, laughing and fighting, thus enabling the optimal use of our innate inner resources. Neglected aspects leave you feeling like you are not complete, not quite yourself. These gaps in life can be closed with the help of orchid energy.

The question is not what someone is suffering from, but what he or she deep down wants to achieve. How do I become the person I always wanted to be.

Using the metaphor of a journey through life, it is shown in which phases of life the use of orchid essences can bring our soul to blossom most powerfully. They prepare you for new phases of life through inner cleansing and letting go of old certainties. They make it easier to accept challenges and overcome them. And they let us celebrate extensively when we have successfully achieved a goal.

In the course, 21 orchids are introduced, their importance on the journey through life, their purpose and application are explained.

Who Should Attend!

  • People interested in flower therapy, those interested in spirituality, friends of naturopathy




