The School of Inner Wisdom - 8th Module

Contacting Cosmic Wisdom

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The School of Inner Wisdom - 8th Module

What You Will Learn!

  • The ability to get in touch more consciously with our inner guru
  • What is an awakened mind
  • How to experience an insight
  • The power behind a question


8th Module: Contacting Cosmic Wisdom

Our last module is dedicated not only to the conclusion of the journey as a whole but also to a second major field of intelligence that can enkindle our inner wisdom: cosmic wisdom. On this most spiritual weekend, we will learn some secrets of the third eye and how meditation opens us to higher intelligence. Most importantly, we will study and practice the Expansion of Cosmic Wisdom: merging our mind into the cosmic mind in order to gain a bird’s-eye vision.

The School of Inner Wisdom - An 8-weekends transformative journey towards shaping one's life through the power of expanded consciousness.

Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads, unsure of what steps to take next? It's a common experience, especially in today's rapidly changing world, where we often lack the clarity make the right decisions.

Whether it's dealing with relationship issues or navigating challenging situations at work, often, behind it, there is a simple question like:
Should I stay - or should I go?
How can I find a way out of this?
Should I dare to do something, or should I wait and see?

The program is divided into three phases, each focusing on different aspects of inner wisdom and awakening the mind. In Phase I, participants explore the fundamentals of inner wisdom, learn techniques such as Expanded Conversation, and delve into the sources of inner wisdom through the Expansion of the Next Step. Phase II delves deeper into the awakened mind, cultivating an ever-young mind, developing insight, embracing flexibility, and fostering creativity. Phase III expands beyond inner wisdom, tapping into fields of intelligence found in nature and the cosmos. Techniques such as the Wisdom of Nature and the Expansion of Cosmic Wisdom are taught to empower participants. The program also includes meditation practices and writing exercises. Recommended reading materials complement the learning journey, providing further insights into chakra personalities, heart-centered living, expanded thinking, and the wisdom of great thinkers.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wants to get in touch with their inner wisdom




