this course talk about Firebase REST API with Qt QML:
- email/password login
- facebook login
- anonymous login
- real time database
- file storage
· Authentication: Firebase provides authentication solutions for users of your application, including email and password authentication, Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, and many others. With Firebase Authentication, you can easily set up secure authentication for your application in just a few minutes.
· Real-time database: Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-based real-time database that allows your application to store and synchronize data with clients in real-time. This database is real-time, meaning that changes are immediately propagated to all clients accessing it.
· Storage: Firebase Storage allows users of your application to store files, such as images, videos, and audio files, in the cloud. It provides reliable, scalable, and easy-to-use storage for your files, securing and efficiently distributing them to your users.
to be confortable in this course :
1. Basic knowledge of Qt: You should have a basic understanding of Qt's core concepts, including C++ and QML. To read and understand C++ code
2. Computer : The course is based on the Windows operating system
SO MSVC Compiler (Microsoft Visual C++ compiler ) if your operating system is windows: as it is required to build the librairy that include QWebengine
3. Qt version : you must have a working installation of either Qt 5 or Qt 6 on your machine
4. Internet connection: As the course involves integrating with Firebase, you must have a stable internet connection to access Firebase's services.