Introducing solids with baby led weaning

Baby-Led Weaning Adventure Begins

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Introducing solids with baby led weaning

What You Will Learn!

  • What is baby led weaning and how to start?
  • Points to keep in mind and equipment's for baby led weaning
  • What all foods can be given to the child according to the age?
  • Gagging vs Choking - how to prevent choking?
  • How often do you give the food?
  • Tips for successful baby led weaning
  • Baby-led weaning cookbook
  • Takeaway Guide


Embarking on the transition from milk to solids is an exciting milestone in your child's development, and baby-led weaning (BLW) is a fantastic approach to make this journey enjoyable and empowering. In BLW, your child takes the lead, exploring the world of flavors and textures at their own pace, while you provide the right foods at the right age.

This comprehensive course equips you with the knowledge and skills to navigate this important phase. You'll discover what baby-led weaning is all about, learning how to prepare age-appropriate and nutritious foods that cater to your child's developmental needs.

Our course not only guides you on what foods to introduce but also highlights crucial items to avoid to ensure your child's safety and well-being. One of the top priorities is teaching you how to prevent choking incidents, a critical aspect of safe BLW.

As a bonus, we offer a free takeaway that includes a treasure trove of 20 finger food recipes to excite your child's taste buds and a nutrient source guide to ensure they receive the essential vitamins and minerals they need.

With this course, you'll embark on a journey that not only nourishes your child's body but also encourages a lifelong love for healthy eating. Join us and empower your child to embrace the world of solids with confidence and joy.

Who Should Attend!

  • Introducing solids with baby led weaning




