introduction to cell signaling

different topics about cell signaling

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introduction to cell signaling

What You Will Learn!

  • basic concepts of cell signaling
  • receptors, transducers, second messenger
  • machanism of protein phosphorylation and reverse signaling
  • regulation of signaling in cell cycle
  • modern method of cell signaling
  • signaling pathway and cross talk
  • deregulation of signaling in human disease
  • targeting signaling protein for disease therauputics


introduction to cell signaling , components of cell signaling which include receptors , trasnducers and their machanism, second messenger, machanism of protein phosphorylation by different enzymes like kinases, reversing signals like phosphatases and phosphodiesterases etc. allosteric regulation of signaling enzyme, different signaling pathways accuring in human body, signaling cross talk, modern method to study signaling, process of apoptosis, regulation of cell cycle, deregulation of signaling in human diseases, targeting signaling proteins for disease theraupeutics,

our objectives are

to provide an overview of current concepts of cell signaling

to introduce the student about signaling molecule and their receptors

to develop understanding about signaling pathways and network

to give the concept of transducers and their machanism

providing concept of second massenger

recommended books for this course are

molecular biology of the cell( elberts et al 2008 5th edition)

biochemistry of signal transduction and regulation ( gerhaurd krauss  3rd edition)

online resources for cell signaling and biology

Cells are not unconscious and static as bricks in a wall. Cells can detect what's going on around them, and they can respond in real time to cues from their neighbors and environment. At this very moment, your cells are sending and receiving millions of messages in the form of chemical signaling molecules!

Cells typically communicate using chemical signals. These chemical signals, which are proteins or other molecules produced by a sending cell, are often secreted from the cell and released into the extracellular space. There, they can float over to neighboring cells.

Who Should Attend!

  • introduction to cell signaling
  • students of any level who want to learn concepts of cell signaling in human



  • Biology






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