Introduction to Crystals

Stand in your power with this extra knowledge, using crystals for you and those you love!

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Introduction to Crystals

What You Will Learn!

  • Introduction
  • History of Crystals
  • Crystal Science & Formation
  • The Shapes and Sizes of Crystals
  • The Mohs Scale
  • What is Crystal Healing
  • Choosing Crystals
  • Using a Dowsing Pendulums and Crystals
  • Cleansing your Crystals
  • Crystals for Anxiety and Manifesting
  • Chakra balancing with Crystals
  • Crystal grids
  • Altars & Affirmations
  • Conclusion


Light hearted but informative workshop for individuals of all levels. This is great for beginners and practitioners. Crystal science, history and formation will be discussed and crystals will be shown in order to support your understanding. Lectures will be given about the energies involved with using crystals for healing, reducing anxiety and other emotional wellbeing tips. We will discuss crystal grids and how to use crystals effectively in this way.  Altars, affirmations and Chakra Balancing with Crystals are other areas of interest that we will discuss on a basic level supporting you own growth and use of crystals in an everyday way. I will give you knowledge to help with cleansing & purchasing your own crystals. Learn more about the shapes and types of crystals you need for your own journey. Setting intention for manifesting and creating a positive health and wellbeing is applicable through the tools and skills you will gain from this course. Images, lectures and other resources will be available throughout. Stand in your own power with knowledge of this complimentary therapy and the wonderful energies and vibrations these beautiful gems can give you. Thank you for showing an interest in my course, I hope you will be joining me on this journey, Sarah

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners Course and Practitioner Refresher




