Introduction to Intentional Career Development

Practical strategies to setting and reaching your next career goals

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Introduction to Intentional Career Development

What You Will Learn!

  • Actively engaging in your intentional career development
  • Learn why intentional career development is important
  • Benefits of intentional career development
  • Strategies for intentional career development


This course is designed for you if you are a junior to mid-career level individual who is ready to intentionally take the right next step in your career journey. Or if you have left the workforce and are looking to reintegrate it and need guidance on how to navigate your career.

In this course you will have a brief overview of the importance of intentional career development and its impact on your professional growth. You will understand why intentional career development is important and know its benefits. You will also be empowered with actionable strategies that you will be able to implement immediately to advance your career.

We begin by helping you assess your skills and strengths and think through how these can possibly align with your values and passions so that your goals can encompass your why. We brush on the importance of creating your career development plan, understanding that it is a living document. And you will know what sections should be included at a high level so that you can progress towards your goals. You will be incorporating the results from exploring different career paths and your findings from researching industries and job markets.

You will also explore the benefits of networking and intentionally building relationships. As you embrace networking, and step out to intentionally interact with others , you will develop your professional brand.

As you work on making your next career move, you will be ready by transforming your resume, and developing your interview skills to match your next career milestone and emulate who you are setting to be in your next position.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone looking to change or advance their professional career
  • Anyone needing help to start their career development journey
  • Most applicable for folks in junior to mid-career levels




