This course provides training in the requirements of ISO/IEC 17020: 2012 'Conformity Assessment - Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection. It commences with an overview of the principles of Quality Management and improvement in the context of an inspection body, provides an overview of ISO/IEC 17020 followed by a detailed discussion on each requirement. A graphic representation of the ISO/IEC 17020 standard is provided as a download to serve as a quick reference in navigating the standard.
These detail sections of the course cover the following aspects:
General requirements (including impartiality and confidentiality
Structural requirements (Administration, Organization and Management)
Resource requirements (Personnel, Facilities and equipment, Subcontracting)
Process requirements (Inspection methods/procedures, Handling of inspection items and samples, Inspection records and reports, complaints and appeals)
Management system requirements (Options, Management system documentation, Control of documents and records, Management review, internal audits, Corrective and Preventive Actions)
The course also provides an overview of typical quality management system structures and on the steps required to implement the standard and to obtain accreditation.
Short quizzes are included at the end of course modules to test your knowledge. Answers are provided.
It would be useful if participants have a copy of ISO/IEC 17020:2012 when taking the course. Unfortunately this can not be provided as part of the course materials for copyright reasons.