Build a LIVE Weather Application with Xcode! PROMO: EASY13

Learn how to build a live weather application from scratch with the new Xcode 7.3. Macbook OS X El Capitan.

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Build a LIVE Weather Application with Xcode! PROMO: EASY13

What You Will Learn!

  • Build a complete Weather Application.
  • Grab information from the internet and into their application
  • Parse internet data to JSON language


Live Weather Application!

If you are a beginner in application development, or expert developer looking for some new tricks, you've come to the right place. In this course you will not only learn the basics in building a application from scratch you will also learn how to pull LIVE information from the internet and into your application. Here's what we'll cover:

  • How to create a full work application
  • How to create an alert controller
  • How to create an alert action
  • How to add a struct in your project
  • How to pull live data from the internet
  • How to parse data from the internet to JSON
  • How to adjust info.plist in order to except http URLs
  • How to create images and icons through Sketch
  • ... and etc.

What are the requirements?

  • Xcode 7
  • At least a beginner knowledge in iOS programming with Swift
  • access to the internet

What is the target audience?

  • iOS developer who want to enhance their skills in coding Swift Language
  • iOS application designers
  • All level developers looking for something new!

Who Should Attend!

  • This development course is for any developer looking to exercise their skills.



  • Weather
  • Xcode






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