iOS App Development using Swift with iOS Mobile App Projects

SwiftUI with Xcode, CoreData, Firebase, API Integration, TestFlight, App Store and multiple real iOS Mobile App Projects

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iOS App Development using Swift with iOS Mobile App Projects

What You Will Learn!

  • You will develop multiple iOS apps (such as Space Flight News app, Meeting Notes app, Realtime Photo Gallery & Sharing app, etc.)
  • You will understand Swift and SwiftUI for modern app development following Apple's guidelines
  • You will work with modern Apple technologies such as CoreData, Video players, API Integration and Firebase
  • You will understand how to build from scratch to archive and release apps on TestFlight and App Store


Welcome to the latest iOS mobile app development course "iOS App Development using Swift with iOS Mobile App Projects".

From Beginner to iOS Developer with one course - this course is the latest and updated course on iOS app development as it shows you how to develop efficient iOS apps using Apple's modern framework SwiftUI tested on iOS versions 16 and 17 with several live iOS projects.

By the end of this course, you will have your portfolio of your own apps by developing iOS app projects, including: Space Flight News iOS app, Meeting Notes iOS app, Realtime Photo Gallery & Sharing iOS app etc.

And you will easily be able to implement:
1. Swift Programming Language (History, Data Types, Variables, Functions, Guard, Conditionals and more with live examples)
2. Xcode: Get hands-on Xcode options to build, archive and upload iOS apps to App Store & TestFlight
3. Comparative study of UIKit and SwiftUI: Features, advantages & Examples of both
4. Developing UI screens: Splash screen, TextField, Menu, VStack, HStack, ZStack, Spacing and other widgets
5. Designing screens: Using images (offline and online both), video player (offline and online both), foreground & background colors, buttons with events & actions
6. APIs: Understanding how APIs function and hands-on experience with free software such as Postman, Quicktype etc.
7. Integrating APIs into iOS apps: Using Unsplash API, Space Flight API etc.
8. Firebase: Exploring, integrating and configuring Google Firebase into iOS apps
9. Offline Storage: Developing iOS app using CoreData to add, save and delete data without internet
10. Swift's Other Uses: Learn where else Swift is used (such as competitive programming & online contest sites)
11. DispatchQueue & Thread: Learn how DispatchQueue produces background threads to perform heavy tasks
12. Quiz & Coding Exercise: Multi-question quiz & coding exercise to test the progress with answers for correction.
13. Prepare for iOS Job Interview: Curated interview questions to assist you in preparing for iOS App Developer Job Interview

Extra: Standard Resume Making Tips to prepare an industry-standard Resume to apply for iOS Developer Jobs

Who Should Attend!

  • If you are a beginner or student, take this course
  • If you want to switch from Objective-C to Swift, take this course
  • If you want to move from UIKit to SwiftUI, take this course
  • If you are a programmer or developer intending to learn Apple's latest iOS App Development, take this course




