A lot of very successful and popular games in the appstore are Quiz Games. They are addicting, relatively easy to make, even for beginners and you can make a quiz about almost anything.
In this course we’ll have a look at 4 different quiz gaming modes and learn how to implement them properly from scratch.
We will write all of the code together and I will explain everything along the way. We want to teach you how to build these quiz games and not just give you a template that you can reskin but have no idea of the functionality behind it.
We're going to start with a classic Multiple Choice Quiz, meaning a quiz where we ask a question and offer 4 different answers that the user can select.
We'll add a bunch of neat little features such as animations for right and wrong answers as well as an animated countdown timer.
The next quiz will be an Image Reveal Quiz quiz where we reveal an image step by step and the user has to guess as quickly as possible what's on that image. This will teach us how to display an image view step by step and we'll further develop what we learned earlier, by offering multiple answers.
We're then going to learn how to implement a different quiz mode next. One where the users cannot just select an answer but has to type one in themselves. This will also teach us how to handle custom user input. Therefore we're going to create an Emoji Riddle Game where we display something such as a movie title with emojis and the user has to guess what it is.
Finally we're going to create a simple but addicting Right or Wrong Quiz where we have statements displayed that are either correct or incorrect and the user has to decide.
We're going to be able to use a lot of our newfound knowledge to build this game.
With all quizzes we're going to teach you how to save your high score and how to display it animated in the menu screen.
We'll also learn how to implement sound into the app, meaning background music as well as specific sounds for a right or wrong answer.
While developing these apps we make sure to use sophisticated programming syntax, which will allow us to later on update our quizzes with monetization or ads if we like.
In more technical terms, in this course you will learn :
As it is the case with all of our courses, we will provide you with the project files with the entire source code after every lesson. It will be available to download along with all of the resources, such as images and sounds that we use.
I look forward to seeing you in this course and teaching you all there is to know about quiz games.