IP Subnetting by TechKnowSurge

Upsurge Your IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing and Subnetting Skills

Ratings 4.77 / 5.00
IP Subnetting by TechKnowSurge

What You Will Learn!

  • Count in binary
  • Convert between decimal, binary, and hexadecimal numbers
  • Identify classes of IPv4 addresses
  • Identify default and custom subnet masks for IPv4 addresses
  • Determine host, network, and broadcast addresses for an IPv4 address range
  • Demonstrate ability to subdivide (subnet) IPv4 and IPv6 address ranges to meet network requirements
  • Demonstrate ability to subdivide (subnet) using Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM)
  • Design a IPv4 and IPv6 addressing scheme given a network diagram


Welcome to the IP Subnetting adventure! Get ready to embark on an epic journey where we unravel the mysteries of IP subnetting. In this video series, your instructor will take you on a ride through the fascinating world of binary numbers, ip addressing, and how to subnet. We'll not only demystify concepts of IP addresses, network classes, and subnet masks, but we'll also make it enjoyable.

Explore the Mysteries of IP Addresses and Subnetting

  • Master Needed Subnetting Skills for IT Certification Tests

  • Learn Foundational Knowledge to Accelerate Network and IT Training

  • Accelerate Your IT Career

Learn it Right, Learn it Well, and Reap the Rewards

Spending the time now to successfully work with binary numbers and IP addresses will benefit you throughout your career.

TechKnowSurge’s Unique Approach

Your instructor has training and years of experience as an educator, as a technician, and as a leader. The course implements the following features:

  • Microstep lectures and segmented videos that meters learning into bite size chunks. It also makes it easy to go back and review concepts when needed.

  • Staged-Based Educational Model where information is covered multiple times in increasing amounts of complexity. The approach helps reinforce learning and creates a knowledge and skill set less likely to fade with time.

  • In-video exercises. Videos will ask you to pause the video, try the exercise, then play the video to see the answers.

  • Well-organized content. A tremendous amount of effort has been placed on what order content should be delivered to maximize learning and minimizing confusion.

  • A focus on pedagogy. A funny name, but your instructor has a deep understanding of educational theory and what drives learning.

  • Module overviews explaining what to expect for each module and sets a mindset for why the information is important to learn.

  • Video intros, overviews, and summaries to explain the intention of each video, reinforce learning, and prepare you for success.

  • High quality and engaging videos that use graphics, great explanations, and analogies to explain complex topics in an easy to understand way.

  • Real world application. Step beyond just the theory. Your instructor has real world experience and will share that with you throughout the course.

  • Employer insight, know what employers are looking for. Your instructor runs IT Departments and hires individuals just like you.

  • An abundance of exercise to help reinforce learning concepts.

  • End of module quizzes to make sure you're on track and help determine if you can proceed or need to review any concepts.

Content and Overview

This course has

  • 75 Lectures

  • 6 hours 30 minutes of content

  • 48 Downloadable resources

  • Wealth of information

All designed to make you successful.

Whether you are going for a certification, trying to break into a career in IT, or want to advance your career, IP subnetting is a fundamental part of the knowledge required for success. Get ready to level up your networking game. Join us now and let the subnetting fun begin!

This well organized course will has the following modules:

Module 0: Course Introductions - Prepare yourself for efficiently and successfully completing the course. You’ll get an overview of what the course is all about and what you should expect out of it.

Module 1: Binary Numbers - Subnetting requires a deep understanding of how binary numbers work. In this module, You’ll get an in-depth look at binary numbers and practice working with those numbers.

Module 2: IP Addresses - You’ll dive deep into IP addresses, how they are used, be introduced to networking, practice identifying IP address classes, and be able to identify address types.

Module 3: Subnetting - Time for the main event. In this module, you’ll gain a deep understanding of subnetting. You’ll get lots of practice subnetting class A, B, and C addresses.

Module 4: VLSM - Now that you understand subnetting, it’s time to take it to the next level. VLSM stands for Variable Length Subnet Mask. It’s the same as subnetting, but each subnet can vary in length. We'll also get some insight and practice into summarization.

Module 5: Hexadecimal - Many computer functions are displayed in hexadecimal format, to include IPv6. You’ll get a great understanding of Hexadecimal numbers and how to work with them. A big part of this module will go over converting between hexadecimal numbers and binary and decimal numbers.

Module 6: IPv6 - Time for subnetting IPv6 addresses. You’ll study the differences between IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and then practice how to subnet IPv6 networks. Spoiler: Once you understand subnetting and hexadecimal numbers, subnetting IPv6 networks are a breeze.

Module 7: Network Architecting - Understanding how to subnet IPv4 and IPv6 is a crucial part to passing certification tests and proficiently engineering networks. However, understanding the fundamentals does not always translate to real world situations. In this module, you’ll get insight into what you’ll find in the outside world.

Module X: Wrap Up - Time to wrap up the course and provide any final thoughts.

Instructor Bio

TechKnowSurge (Andrew Grimes) been in the tech industry since 2000 and even longer as an Instructor. He started out as a Survival Instructor for the United States Air Force (USAF) in 1997. When he got out of the military, he started teaching computer classes. Wanting to advance his technical skills, he became a contractor working on a wide range of technologies while teaching technology college courses in the evening. Overtime, he became a hiring manager, director, and leader

His background includes:

  • Building a security program within 2 years to include becoming SOC 2 Type 2 compliant

  • Leading and maximizing efficiency of IT, Security, and DevOps teams

  • Managing SaaS company infrastructure with millions of active users

  • Managing small, medium, and large IT Infrastructures

  • Migrating technologies to the cloud

  • Managing multi-million dollar budgets and reducing overall budget spend year over year

  • Utilizing various project management techniques such as waterfall, scrum and Kanban to maximize efficiency and success

  • Bachelors in Workforce Education

  • Masters in Computer Resource and Information Management

  • Over 6,000 hours of teaching experience

  • Over 20 industry standard certifications.

Past student reviews:

"Andrew is absolutely the best instructor I've had throughout the course of my education. He is extremely knowledgeable when it comes to all things network and IT-related. Because of the education he provided, I am now working in the network engineering field, and I could not have done it without his expert guidance.” ~Michael B.

“Andrew was hands down my favorite instructor since enrolling” “He has great skills as an instructor, and I've learned a lot from his classes.” ~Jeff S.

“As an instructor, he is thorough, articulate, patient and positive. He genuinely cares that his students fully comprehend the curriculum. I have a great deal of respect for Andrew. I can't recommend him highly enough.” ~Dan H.

“I found Andrew to be one of the best Instructors” “He presents the information with real world applications, which helped to reinforce the concepts presented in the Cisco Certification track.” “I am truely thankful to have had him as my teacher.” ~Dan M.

“Andrew is very knowledgeable and brings his practical business experience with him. He expresses himself very well and treats everyone with respect. He explains very complicated concepts in a manner that is easy to understand.” “It is without reservation that I would recommend Andrew as a business professional and/or teacher.” ~Adam C.

“Andrew is an excellent instructor and more.” “Andrew is the kind of teacher that you never forget.” ~ William C.

“Andrew Grimes is a first rate instructor who genuinely cares about the success of his students. I was fortunate to have Andrew as my instructor.” “I highly recommend Andrew as an instructor and IT professional.” ~Paul C.

“Andrew is a great instructor who really cares whether his students grasp the concepts he teaches. He has a passion for teaching that many couldn't muster.” ~Patrick R.

“He was a great teacher and I would gladly take a class under him again.” ~Joshua R.

“...his style of teaching is accommodating for any level, that a student is starting off at, either beginning or advance in IT world.” ~Paul W.

“He fosters a multidimensional environment of learning in which students of diverse abilities excel.” ~Mark B

“Andrew Grimes was a great Data Networks and Telecommunications Instructor.” “I would highly recommend him to any who desires to further their education.” ~ Tommy S.

Enroll Now and Master IPv4 and IPv6 Addressing and Subnetting

Who Should Attend!

  • Those who are in or trying to get into a career that works with technologies that need to be networked
  • System administrators, system engineer, network administrators, network engineer, system architects, network architects, help desk technicians
  • Anyone who is studying for an IT certification exam, to include A+, Network+, and CCNA




