Irish Dance for Beginners: The Treble Jig

Learn the basics of Irish Dance from a Pro! Step by Step break down so anyone can learn

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Irish Dance for Beginners: The Treble Jig

What You Will Learn!

  • The first hard shoe dance
  • Repetitive, rhythmic movements
  • balance and agility
  • Dance to music


In this course, Martin Percival takes students from no knowledge to dancing 2 full steps (sets of movements created for going in the right direction and the left). Each movement is broken down into incremental lectures that build upon the one previous. Before long you will be dancing along to the music.

Sometimes called the Hard Jig, Treble Jig, or Double Jig - all mean the same thing!

Hard shoe is the percussive side of Irish Dance - For the more lyrical/balletic side please see the Reel, Light Jig, Single Jig and Slip Jig. The hard shoe is where we get to make some NOISE!

As with most Irish Dance steps - the right leg of the step is taught first. The movements are broken down so that they can be easily mastered. The left leg of the first step is then taught. We then put both sides of the one step together before moving on to the next step.

The second step follows a similar pattern, but the pace is a little quicker as there are moves that have already been learnt. Same idea though, right leg first then the left side and then both together.

Finally both steps are put together and danced.

Repetitions build throughout the course - starting with no music, then very slow music and gradually picking up the pace to traditional speed music that is danced to at competition.

Feel free to take as much time as is needed to master each part of the step before moving on. Repetition is key to retaining the knowledge so rewatch sections and follow along until it makes sense.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone who wants to to have an easy way to learn Irish dancing




