Islamic etiquette for a Muslim Child

This course is for Parents and Guardians Who will be supervising their children.

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Islamic etiquette for a Muslim Child

What You Will Learn!

  • Define some Etiquettes for Muslim child in Islam.
  • Understand Islamic Etiquette clearly as every step is discussed with an attractive photos
  • Answering some Curiosity questions that might come to the Childs mind.
  • Apply on each section with a small quiz that will emphasize how much did the child understand
  • Differentiate between each type and apply them in reality with their parents guidance.


Manners are a way of doing something or a way of behavior, etiquette, or it could be a person’s outward way of behaving toward others. The issue of good manners is very important In Islam; It is the basis of one’s success in daily life through which someone could make a distinctive place in the Islamic community. Dealing with others with good manners means putting them at ease the way that Islam recommended we deal with them. It is not just an important part of our religion Islam but also makes our social life more pleasant. Conducting good manners is not easy because it takes time.

There is no one in a good manner than our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Allah Almighty said in Holy Quran: “And indeed, you are of a great moral character” (Quran, 68:4). A Muslim can’t be a true Muslim if he does all kinds of worship, i.e. prayer, fast, zakat, pilgrimage, etc. in the best way but neglects an important side of his worship i.e. Adab or good manners. A person who offers his daily prayers in mosques timely and in a proper way, but when it comes to dealing with other people in his daily life is the worst person, and cannot be considered a true Muslim.

Who Should Attend!

  • Muslim child curious about Islamic Etiquette.
  • beginners and newcomers to Islamic religion
  • Adults curious about Islamic Etiquette.



  • Islam


