Javascript Fundamentals for Web Development

Fundamentals of JavaScript + Basic Web App Project.

Ratings 4.54 / 5.00
Javascript Fundamentals for Web Development

What You Will Learn!

  • Basic building blocks of javascript from scratch.
  • How to build logic and error handling.
  • How to use basic building blocks of JavaScript to build a simple web app.
  • How to think like a programmer.


Hey everyone in this course you are going to learn the fundamentals of the world's most popular language, used for the World Wide Web.

Whether you want to become a frontend developer, backend developer, or Native app developer, JavaScript is everywhere.

After learning the fundamentals of JavaScript you will learn how we can use the building blocks of JavaScript to perform any operation.

If all this sounds interesting then see you in the course.

Course Structure

1) How to pluck JavaScript into.

- We will create an HTML file and then will code JavaScript inside it because it is the easiest way and also beginner     friendly.

2) Creating output in javascript.

- We will use the different print statements to generate output in JavaScript. e.g. console.log() and alert()

3) What are variables?

- We will learn how we can create variables in JavaScript and then store different values in it.

4) Data types in JavaScript.

- We will learn about different data types in JavaScript so that we can store different types of data in different structures according to our requirements.

5) Performing operations on numbers.

- The number is one type of data type in JavaScript and we will see how we can perform different operations on it with the help of JavaScript.

6) Performing operations on strings.

- The string is one type of data type in JavaScript and we will see  how we can perform different operations on it with the help of JavaScript.

7) Performing operations on arrays.

- The array is one type of data type in JavaScript and we will see how we can perform different operations on it with the help of JavaScript.

8) Performing operations on objects.

-  The object is one type of data type in JavaScript and we will see how we can perform different operations on it with the help of JavaScript.

9) Creating conditional logic using if...else.

- How to write conditional logic using if...else statements in JavaScript.

10) Creating functions in JavaScript.

- We will learn to create reusable code using a function in JavaScript.

11) Loops in JavaScript (for loop).

- We will learn the basic use case of the loop in JavaScript to iterate through array data type.

12) Equal(==) and Identical(===) operators in JavaScript.

- We will see how we can use Equal and Identical operators to compare data types.

13) JavaScript Built-in Functions.

- We will learn about built-in functions in JavaScript. e.g. parseInt()

14) Project.

- We will together build a web app using all the building blocks of JavaScript, Where we are going to take inputs from the user will perform some operations on it, and will create an output of results for the user.

Who Should Attend!

  • If you have not coded before then this is the perfect place for you, because I have designed this course in such a way that anybody with no coding background can understand concepts easily.



  • JavaScript






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