Best Programming Fundamental Course in JavaScript

Learn how to code in 1 Hour (Beginner Friendly, Concise and Comprehensive)

Ratings 4.00 / 5.00
Best Programming Fundamental Course in JavaScript

What You Will Learn!

  • Master fundamental programming skills
  • Know how to program in JavaScript
  • Learn the best practices of professional programmers
  • Understand complex programming concepts like recursion
  • Gain experience in programming through working on the practice problems


Want to self-learn programming? Don't want dozens of hours of videos? Don't know where to start? Python vs C vs JavaScript? Don't hesitate! You won't regret taking this course!

This course covers 16 important topics of programming listed below. In this course, I will explain every concept, provide you with examples, practice problems, and teach you the best practices of programmers, and all of these are covered in an hour. It’s beginner friendly, you don’t need any programming experience as I will explain the topics from installation to advanced topics like recursion.

Note that this is not a web development course, I won't cover anything about JavaScript in the browser. Instead, this is a programming course that teaches programming in JavaScript. However, it is still recommended to take this course if you want to learn web development because computer programming is a fundamental skill in almost every field of computer science. You need it no matter whether you want to work in software development, artificial intelligence, data science, robotics, and so on. You may take a look at the link in the first lecture to set up your learning path. If you want to learn frontend web development, I'm going to make a series of tutorial videos that help you master web and mobile development: Programming in JavaScript (this course) -> HTML & CSS -> A little vanilla JavaScript + React.js + Redux -> ReactNative

Though this course is an hour long, you should expect that it may take you a few hours, because you need time to digest and do the practice problems I give you. I hope you can find this course useful and interesting.


  1. Setup: Installing VS Code and Node.js

  2. Your First Program: console.log

  3. Data Types (string, number, boolean)

  4. Arithmetic (+-*/%)

  5. Functions

  6. Strings (concatenation, template literal, slice, length)

  7. Conditions: if, else if, else


  9. Arrays (access, mutate, pop, push, length)

  10. Loops: for, while, for-of

  11. Multidimensional Arrays & Nested Loops

  12. Objects

  13. Higher Order Functions & Arrow Functions

  14. Recursions

  15. Scope of Variables

  16. Reassignments vs Mutations

Practice Problems:

  1. Area of Circle

  2. secondToHourMinuteSecond

  3. isOdd

  4. isPositive

  5. mean

  6. Bubble Sort

  7. print2DArray

  8. Caesar Cipher

  9. Factorial

  10. Binary Search

Who Should Attend!

  • People who want to learn programming without any programming experience
  • People who want to self-learn computer science
  • People who want to learn software development (This is not a software development course but it will teach you fundamental knowledge that is useful in software development)



  • Computer Science
  • JavaScript
  • Programming Fundamentals






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