Complete Cyber Security Threat Intelligence Researcher

Learn Cyber Security like a Real World Hacker! Learn Cyber Security concepts such as hacking, malware, firewalls, worms

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Complete Cyber Security Threat Intelligence Researcher

What You Will Learn!

  • Clustering and Correlation -
  • The goal of Behavior Extraction is to identify unique Dynamic features in the binaries that help to classify them into a specific malicious
  • The goal of Clustering and Correlation is to classify malware based on Features and Behavior extracted and correlate the information to understand the attack fl
  • Behavior Extraction


In today’s cyber security landscape, it isn't possible to prevent every attacks. Today’s attackers have significant funding, are patient, sophisticated, and target vulnerabilities in people and processes as well as technologies. With organizations increasingly relying on digitized information and sharing vast amounts of data across the globe, they have become easier targets for many different forms of attack. As a result, every company’s day-to-day operations, data and intellectual property are seriously at risk. In a corporate context, a cyber attack can not only damage your brand and reputation, it can also result in loss of competitive advantage, create legal/regulatory noncompliance and cause steep financial damage.

Today’s secure environment will have vulnerabilities in it tomorrow, so an organization cannot allow itself to become complacent. There is only so much an organization can do by defending itself against threats that have already occurred. If an organization only reacts to new threats as they come up, are likely acting too late. It is important to understand and prioritize cyber threat intelligence processes, and how they can be integrated into an organization’s security operations in a way that adds value.

What you'll learn

  • An advanced practical skillset in defeating all online threats - advanced hackers, trackers, malware and all Internet nastiness including mitigating government spying and mass surveillance.

  • Start a career in cyber security. Become a cyber security specialist.

  • The very latest up-to-date information and methods.

  • We cover operating system security, privacy, and patching - On Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, MacOS and Linux.

  • Explore the threat landscape - Darknets, dark markets, zero day vulnerabilities, exploit kits, malware, phishing and much more.

  • You will master encryption in an easy to follow crash course.

  • Go in-depth into security through physical and virtual isolation and compartmentalization. Covering sandboxes, application isolation, virtual machines, Whonix and Qubes OS.

  • You will learn about nation state secret tracking and hacking infrastructure.

  • A certificate of completion is available signed by the instructor Nathan House so CPE credits can be claimed. An off-site sign-up is required to provide your details for this

Who Should Attend!

  • anyone interested in preventing cyber threats



  • Cyber Security
  • Encryption
  • JavaScript
  • Malware






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