Jenkins, From Zero To Master - Industrial CI/CD Projects

Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying and automating any project.

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Jenkins, From Zero To Master - Industrial CI/CD Projects

What You Will Learn!

  • Installation of Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager
  • Job in Jenkins
  • Manage Jenkins - Configure System
  • User Accounts In Jenkins
  • Role Based Authorization Strategy in Jenkins
  • Integrate GitHub Repository to Your Jenkins Project
  • Build Triggers - Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts)
  • Trigger even if the build fails/unstable/aborted
  • Global Environment Variables
  • Parameterized Jobs in Jenkins
  • Execute Concurrent, Parallel Build Jobs in Jenkins
  • Block Build when Upstream/Downstream project is building
  • Build Pipeline
  • Deploy Build Artifacts to Tomcat Server
  • Deploy the package (war file) to Tomcat Server using Jenkins
  • Install & Configure Tomcat Server
  • Jenkins Pipeline - Declarative Pipeline


Jenkins is a powerful and flexible automation tool; It is used to automate almost anything.

Go faster and learn how to build strong automated processes like Pipelines, CI/CD workflow, and more!

In the DevOps world, Jenkins is one of the best cards on the table.

Start automating everything, and become a DevOps engineer!

This is the right course for you!

Course Content:


  • About Jenkins tool

  • Installation of Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager

  • Installation of Ubuntu Operating System.

  • Installation of Jenkins

  • Overview of Jenkins Dashboard

About Jenkins

  • Create First Job in Jenkins

  • Job - Default User & Workspace Location

  • Status, Weather & Build Stability of a Job

  • Search Panel in Jenkins Dashboard

  • Manage Jenkins - Configure System

  • Manage Plugins - Install a simple theme plugin

User Accounts In Jenkins

  • Create User Accounts in Jenkins

  • Role-Based Authorization Strategy in Jenkins

  • Configure Authorization from Global Security

  • Delegate Permission Using Manage Roles -1

  • Delegate Permission Using Manage Roles -2

Integrate GitHub Repository to Your Jenkins Project

  • Clone the git project using terminal

  • Clone the git project using Jenkins Shell

  • Delete workspace before build starts

Build Triggers

  • Build Triggers - Trigger builds remotely (e.g., from scripts)

  • Trigger builds remotely using an Authentication token

  • Build Triggers from terminal

  • Build after other projects are built

  • Trigger even if the build fails/unstable/aborted

  • Build Periodically

  • Poll SCM - Source Code Management

Variables in Jenkins

  • Environment Variables

  • Global Environment Variables

Build Environment in Jenkins

  • Parameterized Jobs in Jenkins

  •    String Parameter

  •    Boolean Parameter

  •    Choice Parameter

  •    Multi-line String Parameter

  •    Password Parameter

  •    File Parameter

  • Set Timeout in Jenkins

  • Add timestamps to the console output

  • Enable/Disable Jenkins Job

  • Execute Concurrent, Parallel Build Jobs in Jenkins

  • Retry count in Jenkins

  • Throttle builds in Jenkins

  • Custom Workspace

  • Change the Display Name of a Job in Jenkins

  • Block Build when Upstream/Downstream project is building

Build Pipeline

  • Create Jenkins Pipeline Using Build Pipeline

  • Overview of the CICD Process

  • Continuous Delivery vs Continuous deployment with a practical approach

  • Parallel Jobs in Jenkins Pipeline

Deploy Build Artifacts to Tomcat Server

  • Deploy Build Artifacts (.war) to Tomcat Server

  • Configure the Tomcat Server

  • Deploy Build Artifacts (.war) to Tomcat Server - GUI

Deploy the package (war file) to Tomcat Server using Jenkins

  • Overview of project

  • Clone the code from Git Repository

  • Integrate Maven with Jenkins

  • Build the Package using Maven Tool

  • Install & Configure Tomcat Server

  • Configure a Pipeline using Build Pipeline

  • Deploy the Package file (.war) to Tomcat Server

Jenkins Pipeline - Declarative Pipeline

  • Create the first Pipeline as code - Create the first Jenkinsfile

  • Multiple stages in pipeline script

  • Run commands using pipeline script

  • Variable/Environment in pipeline script

  • Define stage-level variables using pipeline script

  • Build parameters in the pipeline script

  • Boolean & choice parameters in pipeline script

  • Input from the user in the pipeline script

  • Post actions in the pipeline script

CICD Process - Manual Approach Using Maven, SonarQube, Docker, AWS ECR

  • Overview of CICD Process

  • Configure Build Server and Install various tools like Java, Git, Maven, Docker

  • Checkout & Build the Project using Maven Tool

  • Install SonarQube on Ubuntu Instance

  • Add Sonar-maven-plugin

  • Start SonarQube Service

  • Check the Code Quality

  • Overview of Dockerfile to Create a Docker Image

  • Create a Repository in AWS ECR

  • Create a Role to Provide Access One AWS Service (CI Server) to another (AWS ECR)

  • Build the Docker Image using Dockerfile

  • Push the Docker Image to AWS ECR Repository

  • Create a CD Server - Continuous Deployment

  • Pull & Execute the Docker Image from ECR to CD Server

  • Recap the Entire CICD Process

CICD Process Using Jenkins

  • Overview of CICD Process using Jenkins

  • Install a Jenkins Server (CI Server)

  • Add maven in Jenkins Server from Global Tool Configuration

  • Create a Jenkins pipeline for Checkout & build the project

  • Install SonarQube Server using Docker container

  • Generate the token from SonarQube Server

  • Add Sonar Login Credentials on Jenkins Server

  • Install SonarQube Scanner plugins on Jenkins

  • Add SonarQube on Jenkins Server

  • Pipeline for SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins

  • Pipeline for success or aborted due to quality gate failure

  • Configure a webhook in your SonarQube Server

  • Add stage in pipeline to create a Docker Image using DockerFile

  • Create an IAM User to have access to AWS ECR and add it to Jenkins Server

  • Add stage in pipeline to Push the Docker Image to AWS ECR

  • Configure SES to send an email notification

  • Integrate SES with Jenkins using pipeline

  • Receive an Email Notification after the success or failure of Jenkins Pipeline

  • Last lecture

Who Should Attend!

  • Software engineers, developers, and programmers new to DevOps
  • Anyone who is looking at Jenkins for implementing Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery in their projects or organization.



  • DevOps
  • Jenkins






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