Jesus 101 - for the new Christian

First Steps of Discovery - in your own time and at your pace, to give you confidence in your Christian life

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Jesus 101 - for the new Christian

What You Will Learn!

  • Step by step information on God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, faith, creation and much more. Includes face to face teaching, a workbook and animated videos
  • Using personal face to face lessons and animated videos to make a relaxed fun course.
  • Be able to answer basic questions from non believers. To be able to feel comfortable and informed
  • Give them confidence that they know the basics as the start this amazing journey of faith.


Jesus 101 is your personal journey of gentle discovery, consisting of 23 short video lessons, face - to - smiling - face with me, slides with relevant bible verses and 10 animated 'Scribbly' videos which I have created especially for you and included as bonuses in the course.

Are you a new Christian? Perhaps you have been a Christian for a while but have not really had the time or desire to discover the first steps?  Maybe you are just searching for a faith that makes sense? Or maybe you are helping someone else with their questions?

When I became a Christian I knew my own limitations, and I knew that I didn't want to bury myself in the bible and come over 'all religious' to my friends and family. I'm a big picture kind of person, and I just wanted to know who Jesus was, what happened to Him and to gain enough understanding to talk to others about what I had found, in a confident manner. There's nothing worse than feeling like you are the new kid on the block and you haven't a clue what's going on.

On the Introduction video - there is also a downloadable workbook so you can record what you have learned as you navigate the varied subjects in the course. It is designed to be very user friendly and easy for you to go at your own pace.

I am pleased with the content, the pace and the extra fun that the scribbly bonus videos bring - and I hope that you feel the same. I didn't want this to be a 'religious' bible study but rather a fun, inviting and engaging way to get to know Jesus.

There is so much to learn and this is just your first baby steps!

The Story behind Jesus 101.

My good friend and mentor Christine wrote a little discipling booklet called Discovering Jesus 101 and she took my hand and led me into a personal relationship with Jesus in 2010 when I first became a Christian. There are many others who were before me and who followed me. Since she passed in 2016, the little booklet has sat on my bookshelf, a bit dog-eared and very sad looking. What a waste! I wanted to share these first steps. I wanted to put all that she taught me into other new Christians. It took 2 1/2 years on the shelf and then another 18 months in the making, but at last - this video course Jesus 101 - for the new Christian is completed. With blessings from her husband Neale, I took the booklet of lessons, re-worded some parts, added my own experiences, some animated videos, my poetry, my personality and I jiggled the content and came up with what you see here. My husband Philip did a fantastic job editing the videos and encouraging me to keep going. It is a real privilege to be passing her baton and carry on her legacy as she sits and watches from the great cloud of witnesses. I pray for revelation for all who will take the lessons and be hugely blessed by her teaching. She was one of Gods Generals and is still greatly missed.

Who Should Attend!

  • New Christians, or Christians who have never explored or been taught the basics, those searching for a faith and those who are encouraging other Christians
  • Those feeling hopeless and are looking for a faith in something that can give them hope



  • Christianity






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