In this course, you will undergo a journey of self-reflection as you begin to understand the necessary requirements to build up an exemplary cover letter for jobs within the Western Australian Public Education Sector. This course will allow you to look at the three domains of Professional Knowledge, Professional Practice and Professional Engagement. We will work together to deconstruct each of these domains and discuss key concepts that need to be embedded into the application. Initially we will discuss the application process at a macro level where we will deconstruct the requirements of the school of which you are applying for and identify lines of inquiry for you to help write your application. Following this, I will provide evidential examples of how to engage with each of the domains and provide a framework for you to work with to help write strong , effective examples of your practice. This is supplemented by my own examples within an application that was successful. We will also discuss aspects of your CV and other considerations that need to be addressed within your application as well. If you need further help, I have provided further information if you wish to seek feedback on your application writing responses as well.