Kindle Tips: How To Build a Sustainable Business With Ebooks

Learn how to master ebook publishing, even if you are NOT an expert. Discover the easiest way to become a success fast!

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Kindle Tips: How To Build a Sustainable Business With Ebooks

What You Will Learn!

  • Develop the most profitable strategy to sell books on Kindle and other platforms
  • Target Profitable Niche Markets to Increase Sales
  • Learn how to increase sales of books that are not selling on Kindle
  • Price your books in a way that encourages sales
  • Create an E-book in Just 2 Days!
  • Create compelling titles to grab the reader's attention
  • Create an e-book cover in less than 10 minutes with Adobe Photoshop
  • Discover the common pitfalls and mistakes Kindle publishers make and how to eliminate them
  • Learn how to "disarm" bad (one star) reviews WITHOUT hurting your sales
  • Outsource cost-effectively the writing and the design of your Kindle books
  • Find high-quality workers WITHOUT looking for new candidates
  • Identify, evaluate, and hire good candidates to write and design books for you
  • Build a powerful team, allowing you to have a “Kindle business” running WITHOUT you
  • Discover the most dangerous mistakes when it comes to hiring new workers
  • Discover how to double or even TRIPLE your revenue when publishing e-books on other platforms
  • Discover the another income stream Amazon does not want you to know
  • Learn how to market and promote your e-books effectively to make more money
  • And Much More....


Important Course Updates! 

  • Course updated on: September 17th, 2020!

  • Over 2000 successful students enrolled and 47 positive reviews!

  • Free lecture updates when you register for the course!

  • Valuable discussions with other students and the instructor to address your specific questions in what you'll be doing!


  Comprehensive Course 

  "Chris does a very comprehensive course for you so that you can know how to select your niche, write your book, create your book covers, promotion and how to build up your list beyond Kindle and expand your business beyond Kindle. Highly recommended." - Rosa Suen, Best-selling Author on Amazon Kindle 

  Awesome and Very Useful Course 

  "This is the first course that I took at Udemy and Chris's course is so much information and practical that we can apply. Chris is very knowledgeable on this and the course is presented in a very systematic way so that we can follow easily. Thanks for your hard work and keep it up. I do hope that you can add more updates on kindle publishing as I think Amazon will also keep changing the system. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested to sell kindle books in Amazon." - Simon Ng 

  Fantastic Course for Kindle 

  "It is a very good course. I have gain some information which haven't found in any other course. I am writing my own ebook for kindle based on tips provided by this course. I can say it is fantastic and awesome. Thanks Chris." - Khurshid Md Anwar 


What I am about to show you is not a "magic bullet" method, but a business. Just like every business, there's process and system to follow. This is very real, and if done correctly, it can help you generate a good passive income - even while you sleep! 

I've been on Amazon Kindle since 2011, making thousands of dollars selling ebooks - some of which became bestsellers! The e-book publishing business is NOT dead! It's not even close. It will stay around for quite some time! 

"E-reading is certainly on the rise. The Pew Research Center reports that, as recently as 2010, hardly anyone in the US had an e-reader or tablet. Now half do. The proportion of the population who have read an ebook in the past year rose from 17 per cent in 2011 to 28 per cent just three years later. In the UK, figures from Nielsen, which monitors book sales, showed that one in four consumer titles bought in 2013 was an ebook, up from one in five a year earlier." - The Financial Times Limited 2014 

This course is about making money online with e-book publishing, especially with Amazon Kindle and other publishing platforms! The course has close to 50 video lectures, interactive quizzes, and PDF guides, specifically designed to "hold your hand" throughout the program so that you can get the success you deserve

If you are looking for ways to generate some passive income and turn your knowledge into cash, you've come to the right place! 


  Excellent Course 

  "The training course is excellent. I have learned a lot about Kindle eBook publishing. Instructor is also very co-operative and helping his students." - Mubashir Shakeel 


Unlike other courses out there, I'll teach you how to publish on other platforms beyond Amazon Kindle. So we are not just going to focus on Kindle Publishing, but on Ebook Publishing as a business. 

Creating and publishing e-books is easy, but also this translates to a lot of competition - since a lot of people have already "awaken" to this opportunity. However, what I am about to show you in this course will help you stand out from the competitors. In fact, the competition will move you forward and help you progress in your e-book publishing journey - I'll show you how! It's very non-intuitive, because a lot of people do not look at it in this way. 

Here's what you'll get after you complete the course: 

  • At the end of this course, you'll be able to do an e-book in just 2 days and within 5 days (after the book is published), you'll start getting sales.

  • You'll become a master at outsourcing and NEVER would want to do an e-book yourself - especially if you do not want to do the writing or designing yourself

  • You'll be able to create effective marketing titles and designs to make people BUY

  • You'll make money even while you sleep!

  • You'll "convert" what you know into cash!

  • There's no limit about how many e-books you can create or sell, so the limit is virtually the sky. You set your own limits, and this course will help you reach your profits potential.

  • And much more...

Moreover, if you want to earn extra cash to finance other projects, this e-book business will be of a good use to you. That's why you want to consider e-book publishing as a business model and another reason why you should take this course! 

In about 2-3 days, it's pretty straight forward and you'll be armed with the knowledge most publishers would never know. So if you take action on what's suggested in this course, it has the potential to change your life - in a positive and more profitable way. 

No more frustrations! No more fake promises! It's time to make the change you've always wanted! Take the course now! 

Are you ready? Let me guide you and you'll see what's possible. 

Enrol in this course now, until it's too late! 

P.S. If you do not like this course for whatever reason for the next 30 days after the purchase or if you do not find it helpful, your money back is guaranteed - no questions asked! 

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is NOT for you if you are expecting INSTANT results (quick fix of a problem) – if you are expecting to get instant cash within a few days after you join the course, it is not going to happen. You may generate cash within 7 days after you join the course (especially if you implement what you have learned in the course), but Amazon takes up to 90 days until you receive your first payment. So the money you’ll make out of Kindle are not going to be deposited into your bank account right away. If you need cash right away, Kindle is not the solution for you.
  • This course is NOT for you if you are not willing to do the work (you are not an action taker) – if you buy courses one after another just to avoid taking any action, this course is not for you. Kindle Cash is designed to give you the practical tools to make it all work. You’ll succeed only if you implement what you are going to learn in the course – not just by watching it.
  • This course is NOT for you if you are not open to coaching and training – if you do not like to be told what to do, and do exactly the opposite of what somebody else is telling you – even if it is for your own good. You need to be willing to let go of old beliefs about making money on the Internet, and be willing try new things to change what does not work.
  • You SHOULD join this course if you are working from home. Kindle Cash will help you get consistent income to finance other projects you may have (your website, your blog, hiring more people to do the work for you so you can spend more time with friends and family, etc.)
  • You SHOULD join this course if you are a blogger, coach/consultant, affiliate marketer (Information Product Guru) – Kindle Cash will help you convert your knowledge into consistent income, especially if you already have some client base (subscribers). You can use Kindle to promote your services and other products. For example, if you create a Kindle book based on your niche, you can include links in the book that promote your services (as a back-end offer). If people like your Kindle books, they would want to learn more from you.



  • Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)
  • Business Strategy
  • Cash Flow
  • eBook Creation






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