Kotlin | Android App Development Hands-on Projects Course

Android App Development with Kotlin | Boost your Android development skills with real kotlin android apps & be a master

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Kotlin | Android App Development Hands-on Projects Course

What You Will Learn!

  • You will reinforce your existing android information by applying.
  • Using SQLite database, you will understand how to work with databases in Android.
  • You will be able to develop applications with powerful architecture using Architecture Components (ViewModel, LiveData, Room).
  • You will be able to develop user-friendly interfaces using Material Design principles and components.
  • You will be able to develop modern Android apps
  • Applying Dark theme to the App
  • CRUD operations with Room Persistence Library
  • Saving Data using Shared Preferences
  • Creating and Using a timer
  • Creating Android Game
  • Understanding the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture
  • Animations in Android
  • Creating Splash Screen with Animations and new Splash Screen API
  • Data Transfer Between Screens
  • Firebase Real-Time Database
  • Authentication with Firebase
  • And much more about Android


Hi there,

Welcome to "Kotlin | Android App Development Hands-on Projects Course" course
Android App Development with Kotlin | Boost your Android development skills with real kotlin android apps & be a master

Due to its open-source nature, working with the Android platform necessitates constantly learning about the Android platform My android development course on Udemy keeps you ahead of this learning curve, with hands-on lectures on Android operating systems and more

The Android platform is increasingly popular with developers and a dominant force in the global smartphone market As more businesses develop mobile apps for customer engagement, Android development skills are likely to stay in high demand

  • Do you want to improve your career options by learning android?

  • Do you want to develop real android apps from Scratch with Kotlin?

  • Do you want to strengthen your CV by making Android applications?

  • Do you want to be an android studio master?

  • Do you want to learn Android by developing applications?

  • Do you want to build your first android app with Kotlin?

If your answer is “yes”, you are at the right place!

Kotlin is popular for both Android developers and Java developers. Whether you want to learn Kotlin in order to build your next Android app, or simply need an introduction to language, OAK Academy has a top-rated course to help you achieve your goals.

Kotlin is a statically-typed, general purpose programming language used to develop for the Java Virtual Machine and Android devices. Kotlin is an amalgamation of the object-oriented and functional programming paradigms and can also be compiled to JavaScript source code.

Thanks to this course, you will reinforce your android knowledge with hands-on Android applications and you will take your place in the android world.

In this course, we will develope six Android apps, and the difficulty level is from easy to difficult. Also, since the applications are prepared in a certain index, you will not experience any disconnection between the videos Thanks to this course, you will learn how to develop modern android applications in the simplest way and increase your self-confidence.

In this course, assuming that you have basic knowledge of Kotlin and Android, we aimed to increase your android skills by developing real kotlin android applications step by step rather than explaining the topics from the scratch.

If you want to develop yourself in Android Apps, this course is for you Improve yourself with different android applications

Online course platforms have android app development courses and android eCommerce app but we still think that most of them are missing the hands-on application part This course is designed to fill this gap

In this course;

  • You will reinforce your existing android information by applying

  • Using SQLite database, you will understand how to work with databases in Android

  • You will be able to develop applications with powerful architecture using Architecture Components (ViewModel, LiveData, Room)

  • You will be able to develop user-friendly interfaces using Material Design principles and components

  • You will be able to develop modern Android apps

  • Applying Dark theme to the App

  • CRUD operations with Room Persistence Library

  • Saving Data using Shared Preferences

  • Creating and Using a timer

  • Creating Android Game

  • Understanding the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture

  • Animations in Android

  • Creating Splash Screen with Animations and new Splash Screen API

  • Data Transfer Between Screens

  • Firebase Real-Time Database

  • Authentication with Firebase

  • And much more about Android

What is Android Development?
Android development
is a software creation process that focuses on applications, better known as apps, that are compatible with devices running the Android operating system (OS) Because Android is an open-source project, developers have easy access to the Android software development kit (SDK) Many use this kit in conjunction with Kotlin, Java, and C++ programming languages to make their apps The Android SDK tools compile your code along with any data and resource files into an APK, or Android package, which is an archive file that uses an apk suffix One APK file contains all Android app contents used by devices to install your app When the app is complete and ready for release, Android developers can upload their apps to the Google Play Store for users to download

What are some of the important tools for Android Development?
The tools you will use for Android development depend on how you would like to focus your career as an Android developer If you plan on focusing on native Android app development, you should know one or more of three programming languages: Java, Kotlin, and C++ Java and Kotlin are popular with a number of organizations that build their app natively C++ is the popular choice amongst developers who build high-performance games or plan on doing entry-level SDK work Some employers seek out Android developers that can create multiple platforms at the same time using programming frameworks like Flutter or React Native. If you are working with Flutter, you will also need to know Dart If you are working with React Native, you will most likely also need JavaScript programming knowledge

Is Android Development a good career?
With over 3 billion active Android users globally, Android development is a valuable skill that can help you enhance your career Android development skills are in-demand around the world with various organizations across a broad range of industries When these organizations build Android apps natively, the top three programming languages are typically Java, Kotlin, and C++ You can also look for a job in Android development that uses cross-platform solutions like Flutter or React Native Whether you're inspired to add a new language to your repertoire or prepare for an interview, you can find a ton of online resources on sites like OAK Academy to keep your Android skills well-rounded

Is Kotlin or Java better for Android Development?
If you are building new Android apps, Kotlin is better suited because it is the recommended programming language for Android If you are a first-time programmer, Kotlin android is also a better choice as it has safety features and concise syntax that will help you focus on learning core program fundamentals You should note that in some cases, employers may seek out Android developers that have Java programming skills For example, if you plan on joining an organization that already has an Android app, they may already be using Java If they already have an app written in Java, it is unlikely they will want to redesign the app in a different language, such as android kotlin Therefore, you should look at the job requirements to see if the job posting you are interested in lists Java as a required skill

What skills do I need to be an Android Developer?

An Android developer works with the Android SDK (software development kit) and the Android operating system. They will need to understand the Android SDK, different versions of Android, and how these two things interact. An Android developer may need to know Java, Kotlin, C++, or all three languages and will need to understand the basics of SQL and XML. Java and Kotlin are programming languages used with Android, while SQL is used for database work, and XML is used for markup. Android developers should generally be competent programmers who understand both back-end and front-end development, emphasizing back-end or full-stack engineering. In terms of front-end knowledge, they should know the basics of UI (user interfaces) and UX (user experience). Android developers may work alone or in teams and may also need knowledge of project management strategies such as Agile.

What is Android SDK and why is it important?

Android SDK refers to the Android Software Development Kit. The Android SDK is a collection of tools that have been released and supported for the express purpose of creating Android software. Through the Android SDK, programmers can collect, create, and manage their code. It is a comprehensive development environment that is well-supported, not only by the Android team but also by its community. However, the Android SDK isn’t the only development environment available for Android technology. There are numerous solutions that will port programs out to the Android OS and Android-specific solutions such as Android Studio. Developers who are new to Android development will often start with the Android SDK, but they may decide that a different solution is ideal for them in the future.

Why would you want to take this course?

Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching

OAK Academy based in London is an online education company OAK Academy gives education in the field of IT, Software, Design, development in Turkish, English, Portuguese, Spanish, and a lot of different language on Udemy platform where it has over 1000 hours of video education lessons OAK Academy both increase its education series number by publishing new courses, and it makes students aware of all the innovations of already published courses by upgrading.

When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers' expertise

Fresh Content

It’s no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate New tools are released every day, Google updates Android and it’s crucial to stay on top of the latest knowledge With this course, you will always have a chance to follow latest trends

Video and Audio Production Quality

All our content is created/produced as high-quality video/audio to provide you the best learning experience

You will be,

  • Seeing clearly

  • Hearing clearly

  • Moving through the course without distractions

You'll also get:

  • Lifetime Access to The Course

  • Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section

  • Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download

We offer full support, answering any questions

Dive in now into the "Kotlin | Android App Development Hands-on Projects Course" course
Android App Development with Kotlin | Boost your Android development skills with real kotlin android apps & be a master

See you in the course!

Who Should Attend!

  • Those who want to develop an Android mobile application.
  • Who wants to improve their existing android knowledge.
  • Those who want to develop applications using the Kotlin programming language.
  • Those who want to develop modern applications and applications with a user-friendly interface
  • Those who want to develop applications with Architectural Components (View Model, Live Data, Room) and SQLite.
  • Those who want to develop applications with Firebase




