Kotlin Programming Language: Beginner to Advanced Level

Complete Kotlin tutorial. Learn Kotlin to start your journey in JVM, Android, Browser, and Native.

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Kotlin Programming Language: Beginner to Advanced Level

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn kotlin from scratch
  • Make yourself ready for jvm, android, browser, or native development
  • Want to learn Programming from scratch and have a EXPERT LEVEL knowledge of the Kotlin programming language? Then, this course is for you. Moreover, you are several steps ahead if you already know Java.
  • Concept of OOPS in Kotlin, as other languages like Java, C++, PHP, C#, Scala, or Swift
  • After completion of this course you will have a deep understanding on Object Oriented Programming and Kotlin Programming Language.


>> Develop skills in Kotlin from scratch, become a pro developer and explore the world of software development. 

>> Expand your expertise as a JVM/Android/Browser/Native Developer and improve the quality of your code! 

>> Write less number of code and get more output. 

>> No more null pointer Exceptions and Boilerplate code.

We will begin with very basics and step into intermediate and advanced level so that the beginners get a good grab over the language. 

The course goes on as:

  • Software Installation on windows and mac.
  • Understanding how program flow works in Kotlin. 
  • Kotlin Tour: Basics and Syntax.
  • Kotlin Data Types: Variables and Constants.
  • Ranges and String Templates.
  • Conditional Statements and Expressions. 
  • Kotlin Loops.
  • Functions.
  • Object Oriented Programming(OOP) in Kotlin.
  • Interoperability and NULL Pointer Exception.
  • Packages and Imports.
  • Object Oriented Programming(OOP) Continues.
  • Objects and Companion Objects
  • Higher-Order Functions and Lambdas: Kotlin as a Functional Programming Language.
  • Collections: Arrays, List, Set, and Map.
  • Practical Usage of Lambdas in Collections.
  • Generics.
  • Enum, Nested, Inner, and Sealed Classes.
  • Properties and Fields.
  • Delegation: Zero Boilerplate Code.
  • Coroutines

Give us the review and feedback to improve the course.

Once you understand the concept of OOPs explained here for Kotlin, this basic paradigm being same for all other languages, you can master others too!     (Java, PHP, C#, C++)

This course will be shaped as you want it to be. There will be more contents based on your reviews and feedback. Help this start reach heights with your valuable opinions.

Who Should Attend!

  • If you are a complete beginner in programming world.
  • If you want to switch from Java to Kotlin.
  • Anyone who wants to learn this awesome programming language.



  • Android Development
  • Java Virtual Machine
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Kotlin






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