Kuşaklar Eğitimi: Uyum, Başarı ve Etkinliğini Arttır

Tüm İlişkilerin Kuşaklar Uyum Sırları: Ebeveynlik-Öğretmenlik-Eş-Satış Pazarlama-Koçluk-Terapistlik

Ratings 4.97 / 5.00
Kuşaklar Eğitimi: Uyum, Başarı ve Etkinliğini Arttır

What You Will Learn!

  • Kuşaklar ve Yapıları
  • İlk Kuşaklar
  • X Kuşağı
  • Y Kuşağı
  • Z Kuşağı
  • Alfa Kuşağı
  • Kuşaklarla İlişkiler
  • Kuşaklarda Bilinmesi Gereken Hususlar
  • Uyum ve Başarı


Their generation achieves harmony and success in communication with people who know the characteristics of the generation. Those who know the generations can manage the conflict within the family, manage the class at school, understand the elders, sell their products more easily, and be more compatible with their spouse. Generations mean differences, and we ensure success and effectiveness by being aware of them. For this reason, the issue of generations is an issue that every individual should be aware of in a society. Especially parents who want to understand children, teachers who want to teach them something, spouses who want to understand their spouse, marketers who want to sell something to people, coaches who want to support people, consultants, therapists, knowing the generational issue from the very beginning and having a good understanding of this issue will be to your advantage. will be.

Generations have been created by considering what happened in the period when people were born. Everyone has heard of generational studies and generational names like X, Z, and Y. Everyone said, “What generation am I in? What are the characteristics of my generation?” seeks answers to questions such as

TDK, Generation; He defines it as “a group of people who were born in roughly the same years, experienced the conditions of the same age, thus similar troubles and destinies, and were responsible for similar duties”. Generations are age groups that share a common historical time, not groups that can be selected by individuals or that the individual belonging to any generation is aware of the characteristics of the generation. They carry and reflect the traces and characteristics of each period. As such, generations have also become the focus of attention of the society. Today a company researches generations to make a sale.

It is obvious that conflicts can be seen in generations that differ in terms of individual competencies. While intergenerational conflicts turn into problems, it is extremely important for the progress of the society that the old generations try to understand the new ones. For a conflict-free relationship, we need generations to be able to understand others.

Understanding Generations Means Understanding the Past and the Future!

Her kuşak kendisinden önceki ve sonraki kuşaklarla önemli fikir ve yol ayrılıklarına sahiptir. Hatta bazı kuşaklar arasındaki dünya görüşü o kadar keskin bir ayrılık gösterir ki, bu durum “kuşak çatışması” kavramıyla ifade edilir. Bireyler içine doğdukları dönemden, teknolojiden, kültürden ve hatta siyasi konjonktürden bağımsız olarak gelişmezler. Hatta bu sebeple ünlü düşünürler ya da tarihe yön veren karakterler dahi içinde bulundukları dönemin koşullarıyla değerlendirilirler. Bu sebeple kuşakların tanımlanması ve ait oldukları dönemlerin özelliklerinin bilinmesi, ortak karakteristik özelliklerinin anlaşılması için büyük önem taşımaktadır.

Parents who can't get along with their children, teachers who can't get along with their students, young people who say no one understands me, business owners who say that the sale of my products doesn't satisfy me, employers who say who can I hire, people who can't get along with their spouses and partners, counselors, coaches, therapists, etc. This training is for you. If we grasp the language, emotion, outlook, thought and approach of their generations, we will begin to achieve success, effectiveness, harmony, even cooperation and peace.

Generation issue is one of the most important issues for a society. Where there is any relationship or communication, there is a generation.

One of the most important investments you will make in yourself in a society is to be a part of generations. It will carry you to success, harmony and further in every relationship and communication.

See you in education.

Who Should Attend!

  • Tüm ilişki ve iletişimde uyumu başarıyı yakalamak isteyen herkese yöneliktir. Öğretmenler, ebeveynler, satış pazarlama işini yapanlar, eşler, ilişki yaşayanlar, koçlar, danışmanlar, terapistler özellikle sizlere yöneliktir.



  • Personal Success
  • Personal Development
  • Sociology
  • Toxic Relationship Coping






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