Learn Active Directory Pentesting for RedTeaming - Part 1

Learn and Practice the Techniques of Active Directory Pentesting and go from Beginner to Intermediate Level.

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Learn Active Directory Pentesting for RedTeaming - Part 1

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn the Theory behind the Attacks
  • Lab Setup for AD Pentesting
  • Unofficial prep for exams like OSCP, PNPT, CPTS, CRTP, CRTO
  • Local Enumeration
  • Local Privilege Escalation
  • Domain Privilege Escalation
  • Lateral Movement
  • Domain Enumeration
  • Post Exploitation
  • Persistence Techniques
  • BloodHound
  • PowerView
  • Rubeus
  • Impacket Tools
  • Mimikatz
  • File Transfer Techniques
  • Metasploit


  • This course is aimed at beginners who want to learn windows pentesting from basics.

  • This course teaches Persistence and Lateral Movement techniques in-depth.

  • After this course , you will have good understanding of how to approach a Windows machines from a Red-Team's Perspective.

  • This course covers AD enumeration, privilege escalation, persistence, Kerberos attacks like delegation attacks, silver ticket, golden ticket, diamond ticket etc.

  • The course simulate real world attack and we go from a normal user account in the domain and escalate privileges to Domain admin. The focus is on exploiting the different types of attacks that most malicious hackers in the world follow.

  • This course is designed to provide security professionals to  practice in a Windows 10 machine. The course is beginner friendly and will be suited for both students and experienced professionals. We will go from the port enumeration and understand how to enuemrate the ports.

  • When it comes to AD security, there is a large gap of knowledge which security professionals and administrators struggle to fill. Over the years, I have taken numerous world trainings on AD security and always found that there is a lack of quality material and specially, a lack of good walkthrough and explanation.

Who Should Attend!

  • Students who wants to become a Good-Red Teamer.
  • Students who already know windows pentesting but want to understand better about the theory behing the attacks.
  • Students who are starting/aspiring to become a Red Teamer.
  • Students who want to do learn about windows security




