Learn An Unorthodox Truth On Our Reality

Join a Theoretical Discussion about our reality and where our society is heading

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Learn An Unorthodox Truth On Our Reality

What You Will Learn!

  • Identify important events and discoveries that altered human history
  • Define key individuals that have affected society, history, and cultures
  • Discover how the study of the psychic world has influenced human history
  • Understand the connection between the spiritual and the physical worlds


Perception is reality.

We’re all familiar with this phrase as it means what makes our reality is what we perceive.

Our understanding of the world, or our reality, is based on the information that we take in with our ears, nose, but most importantly, our eyes. Our perception is based on what we see in the world.

But what if our “perception” has been distorted?

What if we’ve been taught to see blue, but in actuality, it’s green?

What if we’ve been walking up, but in reality, we’ve been going down?

Instead of going the right way, what if we’ve been going the wrong way as a civilization this whole time?

Join our instructor, Franklin O’Kanu, on a mind bending journey to uncover the truth to our reality.

We’ll discover what we’ve been shown and what could have really happened. We’ll take on the perception of ideas such as evolution and dinosaurs and evaluate, did these really occur?

We’ll explore our modern technologies and investigate if these are truly harmful.

We’ll dive into the invisible world of spirituality and the mental to see if there’s more than meets the eye.

Join us, as we investigate, an Unorthodox Truth of Reality.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners looking to understand history, spirituality, and religion



  • Philosophy
  • World History






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