In today's world, almost every single gadget in our daily life contains electronic components and having understanding about how those components work can be pretty useful. Electronics has different branches such as Analog Electronics, Digital Electronics, Power Electronics, Communication Electronics and Instrumentation. It is used and implemented in almost every aspect of our life such as our homes, modes or transportation, communication, security, and in our healthcare. So, there is no denying in the importance of Electronics and this course has been made specifically to signify that importance as well as provide ample knowledge for a layman as well as an industrial electronic engineer.
There is an old saying "Learning By Doing" and this statement is true because a lot of times what you learn in simulated environment is completely different from actual physical work, and this course especially deals with such situation through physical experimentation on actual electronic components in real time.
Basic concepts are the building blocks for raising the structure of Electronics on it and this course will teach you many of the basic to advanced concepts along with their practical implementation.
This course equally facilitates students, hobbyist, technicians, engineers, and even non-technical personnel. In due course, a systematic learning procedure has been followed by firstly going through the book, then through demonstration on white paper, concept building on practical circuits, display and measurement on advanced test equipment, and then prototyping the layout on a training console. Through this systematic approach, each demonstration will facilitate the learning experience and significantly raise the knowledge intake along with a boost of confidence in the learner.
This course will also play a pivotal role for all the individuals working in the domain of troubleshooting, and maintenance of Electronic equipment related to automobile industry, domestic appliances, project designing, prototyping, electromedical, R&D, private/public sector, and universities.
Basic to advanced circuits are introduced in this course with maximum attention on different measurement techniques and physical testing so one can perform these experiments on their own.
What is different about this course?
Each lecture is taught in 4 steps
Reading through book
Explaining and solving the problem on a white paper
Using test equipment to verify the results such as demonstrating wave forms and wave shapes
Practical experimentation will be carried out on a trainer console where the results will be calculated and verified
Set of two readings material will be provided (Theory Book, Trainer Experiment Manual)
The theory book will provide you with complete knowledge about the theoretical concepts and formulation involved. The trainer experiment manual will provide you with the details regarding each individual experiment along with circuit diagrams and other necessary information.
30 detailed experiments are provided to completely understand the basic as well as advanced level of electronics for the first time.