In this course I will be teaching you how to use CSS Grid to build a Pokémon card from scratch. I believe that building something fun is the fastest way to learn anything new, so why not a Pokémon card? Prior knowledge of CSS is not required. In fact, CSS Grid is so awesome it should be one of the first things you learn!
In my career I started off learning CSS by using tables, then floats, then flex and now grid. Its been fun seeing the evolvement of CSS through out my career. There are a lot of cool design libraries coming out that help reduce the need to know CSS at its foundation. These libraries are great and help get a product off the ground quickly but what happens when you need to design something custom a unique to your product? This is where knowing CSS from its core will help.
By the end of this course I hope you love CSS as much as I do. The ability create something from the ground up is very satisfying. Thank you for taking the time to check out my course on learning CSS Grid by building a Pokémon card!