Learn data entry freelancing course from zero to hero. In this course I will share you complete freelancing data entry and Lead Generation projects training. After learning this data entry course, you will be able to make money at home from freelancing (Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer and Guru). In this course first I will share your basic knowledge on Microsoft Excel and MS Word.
You are going to learn Professional data entry work from well experienced and Top-Rated Freelancer. People who are interested to become a Freelancer this data entry course help you to Earn Money Online from home by doing data entry work.
After learning this course, you will be work as a Virtual assistant for Data Entry, Lead Generation Expert and do job on any freelancing institute.
I will share you all the data entry projects who i received from Fiverr and Upwork and give you complete practical training of data entry freelance projects.
Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel data entry projects provided and give live practical training of every project. Different tools and techniques will be tech to complete the projects quickly.
You have to need basic knowledge of computer or laptop.
You must have internet connection.
No experience needed for data entry freelancing course.