In this easy-to-follow course, you'll master the basics of Flutter and Dart, even if you've never coded before. Together, we'll explore the creation of awesome apps and the seamless integration of Firebase to supercharge their capabilities.
This course is not like those other 15-20 hour long courses as coding and Android/iOS development can only be learnt by self practice.
Moreover, I'm thrilled to guide you on incorporating OpenAI's ChatGPT into your apps, unlocking the magic of AI!
Just imagine building your very own J.A.R.V.I.S., which is Tony Stark's Personal virtual assistant.
What's more, this course is not just about having fun because it serves as an excellent starting point for aspiring Flutter developers aiming to land a Software Engineer job as I'll also guide you through the process of making a Resume and applying to Jobs and Internships.
I have previously worked with Amazon Web Services and made several apps and I say this with confidence that I have made the best and only course you will need, if you are a beginner, to master Flutter.
I won't be editing out any errors that I get and instead show you how to fix them as you must be able to fix these problems yourself.
So, brace yourself for a straightforward and hands-on adventure into the world of Flutter, Dart, and app development. No nonsense, just practical learning and enjoyable projects! Let's dive in together and embark on this exciting journey of growth, learning, and career opportunities.