Learn General Physics in Arabic

The Foundation of Science and Engineering

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Learn General Physics in Arabic

What You Will Learn!

  • Kinematics: the study of motion without regard to its causes
  • Dynamics: the study of motion and its causes
  • Mechanics: the study of forces and their effects on matter
  • Work and Energy


General Physics is an introductory course that provides a foundation in the fundamental concepts of physics. Topics covered Theoretical: Mechanics: Physical units, Vectors, Motion in 1 dimension, Motion in 2 dimension, Newton's laws and its applications, Hooke's law, work and energy, energy conservation laws, Linear momentum, collisions. Properties of matter: elasticity, fluid mechanics, surface tension, viscosity. Temperature: temperature concepts and its measurements, quantity of heat, specific heat, Newton’s law of cooling, heat transfers by conduction, convection and radiation. Waves and sound.

At the end of this course, the students are expected to:

  • Define terms related to basic concept of physics.

  • Develop a conceptual understanding of some principles of f mechanics and electricity.

  • Provide the essential elements of physics needed by premedical students.

  • Gain a basic knowledge necessary to understand the phenomena of motion, electricity, magnetism, optics and the properties of matter.

  • Understand the modern physics including the particle and wave properties.

  • Clearly understand importance of measurement, instrumentation quality and calibration.

  • Should learn the importance of physics science and it is application in our life.

  • Classify the force, mass, work, heat transport, energy, and application.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the basic concepts of physics, such as force, energy, momentum, and temperature.

  • Apply the laws of physics to solve problems in physics.

  • Use calculus and linear algebra to solve physics problems.

  • Communicate their understanding of physics in clear and concise language.


  • Calculus and Algebra of high school study

Course Format

The course will consist of lectures, recitations. Lectures will cover the fundamental concepts of physics. Recitations will provide students with opportunities to practice solving physics problems. 


  • Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 10th Edition by Raymond Serway and John W. Jewett, Jr.


  • Dr. Mohamed Housam Mahmoud Issa

Who Should Attend!

  • General physics courses can be a valuable asset for students in any of these groups. They provide students with a foundation in the basic concepts of physics, which can be helpful in a variety of academic and professional settings. General physics courses can also help students to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for success in many fields.
  • Students who are interested in majoring in physics or a related field, such as engineering, chemistry, or biology.
  • Students who are considering a career in a science-related field, such as medicine, law, or business.
  • Students who want to learn more about the physical world and how it works.
  • Students who are simply curious about physics and want to explore the subject in more depth.




