Learn How to Use Game Guru Classic

You will learn how to make a Video Game with "Game Guru Classic"

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Learn How to Use Game Guru Classic

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn how to use the tools in "Game Guru Classic"
  • Learn how to create atmosphere in your video game
  • Learn how to properly make a video game
  • Make a first person shooter video game in "Game Guru Classic"


You will learn all the basics into how to create your very own single player first person 3D game in the Game Guru Classic engine.

What Is Required for this Coarse?

Windows Operating System
8 GB of RAM (Minimum)
4GB+ GPU Video Card (Minimum)

You will require Game Guru Classic which can be obtained on Steam

What You'll Learn:

The Basics of The Game Guru Editor

- Overview of the Editor UI
- How to Create, Save, Open Map (Random or Flat Terrain)
- Terrain Editing and Grass Painting Tools
- Builder Tool (Also known as Builder or EBE)
- Visual Effects and Post Processing Effects
- How to Change Skybox, Terrain and Grass
-Water Editing (Height and Color)
- Entity Tool (How to place, spray, copy and paste, edit)
- Adding Items and Weapons
- Player Properties
- Lights (Area Lights, Spot Lights)
- Trigger Zones (no scripting)
- Fog (Intensity, Distance and Color)
- Surface and Ambient Lighting
- Character Creator
- Enemy Characters
- 3rd Person Player
- Physics
- Winzone (multi-levels)

By the end of this course you will know how to use the Game Guru Classic engine and you will be able to create you own single player video games! You will learn how to use every aspect of the engine so you can realize your dream game project.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner Game Developers




