If you want to earn money online. Learn Skill. Front-end web design and development is a good skill to earn online. It is used to make static type of websites.
I am an expert front-end web designer.
I will be teaching the technologies used to create static websites including HTML and CSS, in English.
So in this course, you will be able to learn the following:
1. HTML Introduction and Basics
2. HTML Text formatting, Comments, Color
3. CSS in HTML, favicon, images and links elements
4. Page title and Table elements
5. Lists elements and Block & inline elements
6. Head, meta, link, Style & Script elements
7. Entities, Symbol entities, emoji, Charset attribute
8. Form elements
9 - CSS Introduction
10 - CSS Syntax
11 - CSS Selectors
12 - How to add CSS, internal, external, and inline CSS
13 - CSS Comments, Colors, Background, Opacity
14 - Box model(borders, margins, paddings, height/width, Outline)
15 - Working with text, fonts, icons, links, and lists
16. Applying CSS to HTML Tables and Forms
17 - Working with text, fonts, icons, links, and lists
18- Combinators, Pseudo-classes, Pseudo-elements
19- Responsiveness
20- Website layout, Templates examples
After you learn front-end web designing, including HTML and CSS, you may be interested to further polish your skills.
Next I will be doing full stack PHP web development course, so stay connected and don't forget to join that. It will also include a front-end technology JavaScript, which is not included in this course.