Learn IoT with Arduino basically and easily be professional

Learn how to start programming on Wemos d1 /Wemos d1 mini with Arduino IDE

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Learn IoT with Arduino basically and easily be professional

What You Will Learn!

  • how install Arduino IDE on Mac os/windows os
  • how install driver on Mac os/windows os
  • how install libary for all of esp8266 platform
  • blink on wemos d1 / wemos d1 mini
  • I/O on wemos d1 / wemos d1 mini
  • read analog sensors on wemos d1 / wemos d1 mini
  • read digital sensors on wemos d1 / wemos d1 mini
  • read humidity and temperature with wemos d1 / wemos d1 mini and DHT sensors
  • send data to the server with wemos d1 / wemos d1 mini
  • create Access Point with wemos d1 / wemos d1 mini
  • create Wifi Scanner with wemos d1 / wemos d1 mini
  • control LED (Pins) from WebServer
  • control servo from WebServer


after this lessons, you can easily learn I.o.T from basic into the advanced and Make your Own I.o.T Devices

With these lessons, you can learn the fundamental information to build your devices in I.o.T,  including reading sensors and sending information to the server and more.

These courses are designed from the base and are without prerequisites, but for episode 6 you should have information about uploading the file on the server.

Who Should Attend!

  • any student want to learn IoT from basic into the advanced.



  • Arduino
  • Internet Of Things






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