Guide to learning how to use JavaScript Objects and JSON data. JSON is the most popular format for data exchange between applications. If you are interested in connected to a web API chances are its JSON formatted. Learn to use AJAX to connect and bring JSON data into your JavaScript!
This course shows you how to work with JSON formatted data, output content, loop JSON data, Parse JSON and a whole lot more.
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a syntax for data. JSON is easier to use than XML and human readable. Most modern web APIs output data in JSON formats. It's a lightweight data interchange format that is quickly becoming the default format for data exchange on internet today! JSON is lightweight, language independent and easy to read and write. JSON is better than XML and more popular!
Within the lessons of this course we will explore
Get started with JSON quickly
Understanding the basics of JavaScript and how to create websites is a prerequisites to this course. It covers working within JavaScript code to produce dynamic functionality. Learning how to work with JSON is a key skill within modern web development. JSON and APIs are everywhere, once you start working with them you will be amazed at what can be done with a few lines of code.
Taught by an instructor with over 18 years of real world web development experience. Friendly support is always available within the Q&A section of this course. I'm here to help you learn about JSON and ready to answer any questions you may have. One course instructor who is also a web developer with the real world knowledge to help you learn.
Join now and bring some JSON data into you web applications today.
Everything you need to get started using JSON is included within this course..
Resources, source files and top links are also included.
Let's get ready to learn JSON and AJAX