Learn PHP OOP ( Object Orianted Programming ) From zero with alot examples and simple projects to learn what are the main concpets in OOP Like
- Class.
- Objects.
- the difference between classes and objects.
- Encapsulation and data hiding.
- Abstraction.
- Inheritance.
- Interfaces and Polymorphism.
After Finishing these Important topics you'll get an exam to test your knowledge and to make sure that you have the essential concepts so you can build upon it.
Finally you'll Build Your own awesome Chat Application that allaws you to learn and practice more and you will learn some of :
- Javescript ( JQuery ) and Dom.
- Sending Ajax requests to server.
- Learning Git and Github From Zero and upload project on github.
- HTML, CSS and Bootstrap.
We'll use an admin dashboard ( Elite Admin ) to manage our application from it.
This is the first part in the course.
We've another part in the course which will be about converting the application into social network.
We'll do posts model, comments and replies...
We'll allow users to be friends and do alot of stuff that will allow you to learn more in programming.
After finishing the application, we'll deply our Application on a real server to see it live and you can show it to friends and use it with the family also and the important thing you can put it in you portfolio OR resume.