Learn Quran Recitation with Tajweed Rules - Sorat Al Rahman

Follow the RECITER and Use COLORS to smoothly be able to read correctly and easily

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Learn Quran Recitation with Tajweed Rules - Sorat Al Rahman

What You Will Learn!

  • How to read Holy Quran well especially - Sorat Al Rahman
  • Practice Tajweed Ahkam/rules with colors for easy learning
  • Read Arabic words correctly
  • Avoid common reading mistakes
  • Easy Memorize Holy Quran
  • Use Holy Quran Smoothly in your prayers


Most Muslims recite Surah Al-Rahman every day for its many benefits. But what are those benefits that make them read it daily? Let’s get to know the real benefits of reading Surah Ar Rahman on a daily basis.

Benefits Of Reading Surah Rahman

Reading Surah Al-Rahman daily brings you closer to God, gives you some peace of mind, and erases all your worries. When you feel anxious and stressed, read it and your heart will heal. Reciting Surah Al-Rahman will acknowledge to you the many blessings that you have in your life. It also reminds you of God’s mercy.

We all are aware of the beauty of the Holy Quran. And Surah Ar-Rahman has been called its adornment. SubhanAllah! Indeed, the significance of the adornment of the holy Quran is truly unimaginable.

Prophet (PBUH) said,

”Everything has an adornment, and the adornment of the Qur’an is Surah Ar Rahman”.

Surah Ar-Rahman is one of the most loved and recited Surah of the Holy Quran. Its importance can be understood from its name “Ar-Rahman” meaning “The Most Merciful.” The name itself signifies the Merciful nature of Allah SWT. It brings lots of happiness, mercy, and tranquility to its reciter. It is the 55th surah of the Holy Quran. It has 78 verses and a total of 352 words. Some scholars believe it to be a Meccan Surah whereas some say it was revealed in the Medinan period.

Meaning Of Surah Rahman

The opening verse of this beautiful Surah is the title itself. It opens with “Ar-Rahman” attributing Allah as the Most Merciful, The Compassionate, or The Lord of Mercy. In the first few verses, Allah talks about the creation of man and teaches him eloquence.

What Is Surah Rahman About

Surah Ar-Rahman tells a believer about the wonders of Allah’s power and His ultimate dominion over the universe and beyond. And also about the countless blessings that Allah has bestowed upon us. It talks about the helplessness of all creatures and accountability before the Most Merciful. The verse meaning “So which of the favors of your Lord will you deny” has been mentioned to make mankind aware of Allah’s favors.

This Surah also holds a strict warning to the evildoers. And the consequences that they will bear of being disobedient to Allah. And it also specifies the best results in the form of Jannah for the one who is obedient to Allah and is true to one’s faith.

The benefits of reciting Surah Rahman are innumerable. Many people memorize and recite Surah Ar-Rahman to combat the problems they face in worldly life.

1- Surah Rahman For Blessings

Allah SWT says in Surah Al An’aam:

“And this is a Blesses Book We have revealed, so follow it and fear Allah SWT that you may receive His mercy.”

Indeed, reciting Surah Ar Rahman will not only help us in worldly life but these words of Allah will also help in the hereafter.

The ProphetPBUH said,

“The Quran is an intercessor and a truthful prosecutor. Whoever puts it in front of himself, will lead him to Paradise. Whoever throws it behind his back, it will drive him into the Hellfire.”

2- Surah Rahman For Health

Undoubtedly, every word of the Holy Quran has healing capabilities. And it has been seen countless times that reading and reciting Surah Ar-Rahman has miraculous effects on physical ailments. There are many instances present where reading Surah Ar-Rahman to newborns in critical condition has improved their health to a great deal. Also, reading Surah Ar-Rahman in case of serious diseases like cancer, diabetes, kidney diseases, Hepatitis, and heart problems has proven improvement.

3- Surah Rahman For Mental Health & Wellness

Surah Ar Rahman is one of the best Surahs in the holy Quran that calm your mind, heart, and body. The calming effect becomes more prominent when a believer reads it with meaning and understanding each and every verse. It makes us realize the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon us that we take for granted.

“The Prophet went to the companions and recited Surah Rahman but they were all quiet. He told them that he went to the Jinn and recited it to them and they were responsive. And when he would recite the verses ‘And which of the favors of the Lord will you deny’ the jinn would respond ‘There is nothing among your bounties that we can deny, all praises belong to Allah.”

4- Reading Surah Rahman For Marriage

A believer’s firm Imaan can make him/her achieve anything by the will of Allah SWT. Reading and Reciting Surah Ar-Rahman for fulfilling our halal purposes can make the impossible come true by the power of Allah. Indeed, amongst all the favors of Allah, one is getting a spouse. So reading, reciting and memorizing Surah Ar Rahman can have a major impact on fulfilling our need for marriage.

5- Surah Ar Rahman Fulfilling Our Needs

“And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor]; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe”.

How Merciful is our Lord that He promises us to increase in favor when we show gratitude for His already bestowed favors. And the verse of Surah Ar-Rahman “So which of the favors of your Lord will you deny” accounts for understanding and pondering upon how greatly blessed we are. And when we understand that and extend gratitude, Allah bestows more blessings upon us.

6- Reciting Surah Ar Rahman For Protection

Every word of Allah has a power to protect a believer. Reciting Surah Ar-Rahman has been beneficial in getting rid of evil eye, protection from magic, and its constant remembrance can also protect a believer from great harm.

7- Reading and Reciting Surah Ar-Rahman for success

We all know that whatsoever good we achieve and our success is only from Allah SWT. When we put our Tawakkul in Allah SWT we can achieve anything by his will. And what can be better than reciting or memorizing Surah Ar Rahman to remind ourselves of the blessings and grace of Allah? Making a habit to start our day by reciting Surah Ar Rahman can be very beneficial in this world and the Hereafter.

About the course

The course is divided into two parts;

- The first part reading every ayah with teaching Tajweed Rules (Ahkam), word by word.

-The second part is "Practice Part", as you repeat reciting after the reciter.

For all of the 78 ayat of the sorat Al Rahman, you’ll get 8 videos; one for explanation tajweed rules and how to read correctly, and the other is for practising.

The teaching part will teach you how to read every word and ayah correctly with tajweed rules. You can repeat after me many times. The colors are very useful here, you can use them to help in reading.

For the practice part, you hear the reciter and recite after him, ayah by ayah. You can repeat the ayah many times to make sure you can recite with tajweed rules.

Once you practice more and more, You’ll be able to read correctly and even memorize sorat AL Kahf easily.

The course is spread over 8 videos, 2 videos for each section., so you can start any section you want to study easily. You can download the PDF file too and use it over your mobile phone if you want.

Many thanks to Mawlana Shiekh Hossary, may ALllah bless him and for Dar Al Marefah.

I hope my work to be beneficial for every Muslim and I ask Allah blessing all of us.

Who Should Attend!

  • All muslims who want to learn reciting The Holy Quran in proper way or with Tajweed
  • Memorize quraan and use it in your daily prayers




