Learn Reading Tarot Cards Intuitively - For Beginners

TAROT CERTIFICATION COURSE! Desi Tarot - Learn the mystery of reading tarot cards easily and read confidently

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Learn Reading Tarot Cards Intuitively - For Beginners

What You Will Learn!

  • On completion you will comprehend the meaning of all 78 cards without memorising
  • You will learn the 3 card spread
  • How to look after your Tarot Cards and understand energetic protection
  • How to prepare for a reading and read for yourself and others
  • How to use your intuition to read the cards


Monica (your Instructor) has been reading the tarot since 2008. Since then she has given professional reading for people all around the world and has been a tarot instructor (you can read more about her in her bio). She believes that people understand best when a complicated thing is explain in a simplified manner and this is what she has done with this course.

In 30 lessons and 3.30 hours duration she has delivered the Beginners Tarot Course to help people understand each card, without memorising and to be able to use their intuition while doing a reading. The intention is to make you a knowledgable and confident reader by the end of the course.

Tarot is a tool used for guidance and it must be treated with a lot of respect. This course is created as a gratitude to the Tarot who has been a 'Guiding Light' and Monica wishes that you all can experience this light during the course.

On completing this course:

  • You will comprehend all 78 tarot cards without memorising.

  • Be able to read for yourself and use 3 card spread reading for others.

  • Understand the history of tarot cards and how to energetically protect.

  • How to look after the cards.

  • How to prepare for a reading

  • You will understand all about responsible reading.

Enrol now and be a Certified Tarot Reader!

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners who want to learn reading tarot cards intuitively
  • If you want to read the cards without memorising




