Learn Apex Triggers from watchman - Salesforce Development

Make friendship with Salesforce Apex Triggers. The complete course for master apex trigger concept in Salesforce.

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Learn Apex Triggers from watchman - Salesforce Development

What You Will Learn!

  • How to get started with Salesforce Apex Triggers.
  • Real time project scenario to understand the application of Apex Triggers.
  • what is before and after context in triggers.
  • apex trigger before vs after context.
  • what are context variables in apex triggers and why do we need them.
  • do I need to write my logic in before context or after context.
  • On which object do I need to write my trigger.
  • why do we not write DML on the record that goes through the save process in before context.
  • What is trigger handler class.
  • Best practices to follow in Apex Triggers.


do I need to write my logic in before context or after context?

On which object do I need to write my trigger?

why do we not write DML on the record that goes through the save process in before context?

What is trigger handler class?

what is before and after context in triggers?

what are context variables in apex triggers and why do we need them?

Hi there, I just shared a few questions that I had when I start my career as a developer. I usually get the same set of questions from the people who are starting their careers as salesforce developers or from the people who are moving to Salesforce from strong Java background.

Let me share a small secret here. Learning Apex trigger needs time and guidance.

It's not you. it is about Apex triggers. you heard it right.

If you ask me why? from experience and understanding, all I could say is. the starting point of Learning of trigger involves multiple points.

yes, we need to learn and keep a track of multiple points at once to get started. Even though you are good with apex. If you are starting with apex triggers you tend to make mistakes.

Let me share my story here. I had written the logic for one of my requirements. Insert scenario was working fine but not the update scenario.

I had wasted half an hour debugging and validating the logic written but I didn't find any reasons why it wasn't working.

You will laugh when you hear the reason why it was not working but trust me it left no stone unturned to figure out the reason.

finally, I admitted the fact that I need some help. I went to a senior developer for assistance, after sharing the requirement and the issue that I was facing. The first question he asked me helped me figure out what was the issue and also pointed out my understanding of triggers.

he asked me, "is the trigger listening to update event?". that's it. His question was my answer. Just by adding the trigger event, my issue was resolved.

I still remember his question. when I begin to write my trigger. :D

when I think back and that incident. I was good with the logic part of the requirement. I failed in terms of technical understanding of triggers/working of triggers.

If I had scared you with the technical terms above. My apologies, I wanted to share my exact story.

As they say, "Every master is once a beginner". I wouldn't consider myself as a master, there is always room for improvement.

I shared this story to let you know that with time and practice things would fall into place.

You will relish your moments when you could help/assist a person who is going through the same struggle.

this course is just that. over my years of experience, I found a way to learn the triggers the easy way. yes, you need to put in some effort but that would be very less compared to debugging my update scenario.


How does this course help me?

simple, just by presenting Apex trigger in a presentable way to impress you. :D

To grab the concept, I took the example of a security guard/watchman. After this course, you will realize all these years security guards was teaching these concepts. we just ignored them. Next time when you meet a security guard/watchman, please thank them.

How can you be sure that I can start writing triggers after this course?

once you understand the working of the triggers, you will be in the right space to put your logic into the salesforce org. even though if your trigger is not working, you will know where to look and fix it accordingly.

Disclaimer:  A little bit of practice is needed to retain the concepts for a longer time. :) . I can see that look on your face. Yes, I wanted to be realistic. without practice on Day 1, you feel that you mastered it. Week 1, you will feel low on confidence. Month 1, you will rarely remember that you took the time to learn Apex triggers.

why give half a try. if you really want to learn to code.

If you are reading this line. My job is half done. we can talk about the summary of what would you learn in this course.

  • what are Apex triggers?

  • what are context variables?

  • what kind of logic goes in before and after context triggers?

  • Best practices in apex triggers.

  • common errors in apex triggers.

  • confusion with apex triggers.

if you are wondering, I know these concepts. Do I really need to take this course?

I have a simple question for you. are you struggling with the working of the trigger or are you struggling with the implementation of the requirement.

if it has to do with the working of triggers, feel free to check out this course.

if it has to do with the implementation part, couple of points.

1) are you clear with the requirement.

2) is there any limitations from salesforce.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginners and intermediate salesforce admins/developers.



  • Salesforce Apex






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