Learn SAP MII - Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence

SAP MII - Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence

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Learn SAP MII - Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence

What You Will Learn!

  • Understanding of SAP MII Basics to Advanced Features
  • Understanding SAP MII Administrator configurations
  • Understand all features and functionality of SAP MII
  • After completing this course, you can work on SAP MII Project
  • Understanding of SAP MII Integration Scenarios
  • Understanding of SAP MII and SAP ERP Integration


  • SAP MII is an integration tool which is used to connect plant floor systems and also provides the inbuilt reporting features.

  • After completing this course learner will get a good understanding on SAP MII and he/she will be able to work on SAP MII development and configuration.

  • SAP MII is mainly used at plant floor for manufacturing process control and execution. it provides the seamless integration with SAP ERP system.

  • SAP MII can be used to connect to plant floor machines using SAP PCo.

  • SAP MII is used to integrate Silos existing manufacturing Systems and build the composite application.

  • It also integrates SAP ERP systems to SAP MII in real time.

Benefits Summary

  • Connectors provide instant integration to plant systems.

  • Leverages existing investments; data replication is not required.

  • Provides integration and intelligence in one framework.

  • Applications are developed quickly; time to benefit in weeks.

  • Pre-built templates are available for integration with SAP Business Suite.

  • Designed for real-time manufacturing applications.

  • Delivers transactional integration for simplifying user interaction with ERP.

  • Integration configuration between SAP MII and SAP ERP

It contains below learning content.

1.  SAP MII Introduction

2. SAP MII Administration Security and Data Services

3. SAP MII Administration -Content Development

4. SAP MII Development -Self Service Composition Environment (SSCE)

5. SAP MII Development -Workbench

6. SAP MII Development -Message Services

7.  SAP MII Content Development Workbench Practical

8. SAP MII Content Development Query and Display Template

This course content has almost all the SAP MII features which a SAP MII developer should know.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is made for those who want to develop skill in SAP MII Development and configurations.



  • SAP MM
  • SAP






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