Learn Secret Chinese Exercises: Live Energized & Happy Now

Learn profound exercises called Qigong known for thousands of years that give you extraordinary energy & exuberance

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Learn Secret Chinese Exercises: Live Energized & Happy Now

What You Will Learn!

  • At the end of the course students will be able to Practice a simple and effective Qigong system
  • At the end of the course students will have learnt how to Obtain and maintain a higher level of health
  • By the end of the course students will have learnt how to Manage stress and emotional upsets more easily
  • By the end of the course students will be Sleeping better
  • At the end of the course students will be able to Confidently practice daily
  • At the end of the course students will Feel more relaxed and free of tension
  • At the end of the course students will have a deeper experience and understanding of the energy moving inside your body
  • At the end of the course students will have more energy for everything they do in life
  • At the end of the course students will feel happier and experience more positive emotions


This course covers an introduction to the concepts of the traditional Chinese exercise system called Qigong that millions of people practice in China and all around the world everyday. Similar to Taiji (Tai Chi), which is a martial art, Qigong is the medical exercises to maintain superior health in the body.

Qigong has been practiced for thousands of years in China and is renowned for maintaining health and longevity. It has been a hidden secret and now the Western world is acknowledging its profound effects upon the human body and health.

In this course you will be introduced to a modified version of the famous classical Shi Ba Shi Taiji Qigong system and the medical applications for each exercise. It is easy and simple to perform and requires no prior knowledge of Qigong. It is suitable for everyone to practice.

Included in the course, there are instructional videos of each of the 18 exercises in the Shi Ba Shi Taiji Qigong system, the medical applications and benefits of each exercise, pdf handouts of the exercises that you can download and a full practice sequence at the end of the course for you to follow for your daily practice.

To learn this system, it will take you half an hour each day focusing on one exercise at a time and then slowly building up to a complete daily practice of all 18 exercises, which takes about 45 minutes.

The course is structured with an instructional video for each exercise. There are safety and training guidelines included to help you get the most out of the course that explain the best and most efficient ways to practice.


  • Increase vital energy in the body.

  • Develop energy, strength and stamina.

  • Calm and ground the body.

  • Increase strength and flexibility.

  • Develop self-awareness, balance, perseverance and discipline.

  • Treat digestive disorders.

  • During this course you will learn how to develop an open heart.

  • Bring quietness to your busy mind and feel a sense of purpose and direction.

Thank you for joining me on my course, please send me feedback, ask me any questions and please write a review.


Pete C

Who Should Attend!

  • Men and women who have stress in their lives
  • Mothers who have anxiety and worry and have stressful lives
  • People who have over busy minds
  • People who have very little time for themselves
  • People who are unhappy in their personal relationships
  • Students who are studying hard and are stressed and have to much worry and anxiety in their lives
  • People who are sedentary and sit at a desk for a long periods time
  • People with high blood pressure
  • People who don't sleep very well and have insomnia and sleep disturbances
  • Anyone who is seeking peace and quietness in their minds and a fullness and contentment in their hearts
  • Anyone who is seeking direction and purpose in their lives



  • Fitness
  • Happiness






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