Welcome to the complete SEO course in Hindi/Urdu
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the organic way to drive traffic from search engines such as Google, Yahoo & Bing. However, Google is the most popular search engine among above three. This complete SEO course is in Urdu/Hindi languages and you'll learn all the basics of SEO as well as the advanced techniques used to drive organic traffic from search engines. This course is particularly updated according to SEO changes in 2015 such as Google Algorithms Panda & Penguin.
Some of the Important Points:
This course is designed & structured to teach you SEO from very basic, and after watching 90+ video lectures & 17 hours of video content, at the end of the course, You'll learn all the basic & advance techniques to optimize your own websites as well as websites for clients & companies.
Some of the points from inside the course:
Why to take this course?
If you are really serious about learning SEO from absolutely scratch then this course is probably for you, but if you also want to learn SEO with its advance level then once again this course is for you. Also if you want to create strong backlinks then this course is definitely for you.