Learn SwiftUI 5 & iOS 17 by Building Complete Goals App

Master SwiftUI, Firebase, and Advanced iOS Techniques: Build, Deploy, and Elevate with Your Goals App

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Learn SwiftUI 5 & iOS 17 by Building Complete Goals App

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn to build iOS app from beginner to professional using SwiftUI
  • Learn Design Patterns in SwiftUI
  • Learn Firebase backend with SwiftUI
  • Learn to write unit tests for business logic


Welcome to the comprehensive course on building a Goals app using SwiftUI and Firebase. This course will equip you with the skills to create a polished iOS application ready for publication. With a focus on hands-on learning, you will master SwiftUI for creating engaging user interfaces. Explore Firebase as a powerful backend solution for data storage, enabling seamless cloud-based integration.

Learning Objectives:

  1. SwiftUI Mastery: Gain expertise in SwiftUI's declarative approach to UI design, creating visually appealing and responsive interfaces effortlessly.

  2. Firebase Integration: Learn to seamlessly integrate Firebase for backend services, mastering real-time data storage and retrieval.

  3. MVVM Design Pattern: Understand the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern, creating modular and maintainable code for efficient development.

  4. Repository Design Pattern: Discover the Repository pattern to manage data sources, enhancing code organization and reusability.

  5. Dependency Injection: Implement dependency injection to improve code testability, flexibility, and separation of concerns.

  6. Unit Testing Proficiency: Develop robust business logic through unit testing, ensuring app stability and reliability.

  7. Swift Standard Library Extension: Extend the Swift standard library with custom functionalities, enhancing the app's capabilities.

  8. UIKit in SwiftUI: Incorporate UIKit components into SwiftUI interfaces, leveraging existing resources effectively.

  9. UIKit Delegation in SwiftUI: Learn to manage delegation from UIKit to SwiftUI, effectively responding to delegate-based events.

  10. Custom Animation Extensions: Create captivating user experiences with custom animation extensions, making your app visually appealing and engaging.

Embark on this journey to transform your SwiftUI skills, Firebase knowledge, and app-building proficiency. By the end of this course, you'll be empowered to develop feature-rich iOS applications that combine the best of SwiftUI's modern approach, Firebase's robust backend capabilities, and advanced techniques like dependency injection for well-structured and testable code.

Who Should Attend!

  • Learn to build complete iOS app from beginner to professional using SwiftUI




