Learn to develop world class maintenance management systems

Learn to develop and implement world class maintenance management system by Man, Machine, Method, Material approach

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Learn to develop world class maintenance management systems

What You Will Learn!

  • Develop a world class maintenance management system
  • Develop equipment spare parts management system
  • Structured methodology to develop skill levels in maintenance
  • Equipment utilisation and performance measurement methods
  • Learn and implement structured problem solving technique


We all had our piece of struggle when we started in our career in any of the companies. There were very less resources and very few or no people to teach us the correct things. We learnt and grew in career by experimenting with our own methods and knowledge. But all of us know that had there been someone who would have taken time to teach us correct things at right time, we could have learnt things in time and could have saved lots of time.

The course here exactly fills this gap. This is course designed to give all the methodology & tools to the all those who are wanting to get into maintenance as career or those who are already there but do not know how to take the system further. This course dives deep into actually implementable system of maintenance work.

As maintenance engineers, supervisors & managers, we all face everyday challenge on right material not being available, if material is there then there is lack of time, if both of it are there then right skill person is not there. We all acknowledge this but we are so engrossed into daily work that we feel suffocated as we don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.

This course helps you to understand, develop and streamline the maintenance management system in your company. This would teach you how to optimize material to be stocked and what to do with to other, thus saving the costs for the company and still get the maintenance done. You will learn how to save the costs on material by being structured in your approach.

Here you will come to know about how to prioritize work, schedule the work based on the data & daily work management. The structured approach with some flexibility will reduce your stress levels to great extent.

This course will teach you how to develop the relevant skills in ourselves first and then in the technicians,  in a more structured manner. The course also gives the detailed methodology to evaluate skill development progress. This would avoid conflicts with team and work will get done RIGHT FIRST TIME.

This will also cover the structured problem solving techniques,  Safety and Environment.

Who Should Attend!

  • Industrial training Institute certificate holders with 0- 5 years of experience
  • Diploma Engineer with 0 - 5 years of experience
  • Graduate Engineers with 0- 5 years of experience



  • Maintenance Management






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