Gender Analytics: Gender Equity through Inclusive Design

University/Institute: University of Toronto

Gender Analytics: Gender Equity through Inclusive Design


Current conversations about diversity & inclusion often forget that these are not just HR issues but affect how products, services, processes & policies create outcomes that differ by gender, race, differences in ability, Indigeneity & other intersecting identities. Gender Analytics is a methodology that allows you to create opportunities for business or policy impact by using gender-based insights to design transformational solutions. More here...

In 5 courses offered by the Institute for Gender and the Economy, you will:

>Examine how policies, products, services & processes have gendered impacts that miss opportunities or create needless risks

>Break norms that perpetuate exclusion in serving customers/beneficiaries

>Get comfortable with concepts such as sex, gender identity & intersectionality

>Learn qualitative & quantitative analytical techniques to uncover intersectional gender-based insights

>Use human-centred design to create innovative solutions

>Become a transformational leader

Who is this designed for?

>Business leaders who want to use gender insights to innovate

>Government & NGO professionals who want to do gender-based analysis (GBA+)

>Women’s studies experts seeking job-related applications

>Business analytics experts extending their skills to questions of equity

>Human resources professionals looking to be partners for business innovation

*Academic Director: Sarah Kaplan; Project Lead: Lechin Lu; Teaching Consultant: Kim de Laat