Hands-on Foundations for Data Science and Machine Learning with Google Cloud Labs

University/Institute: Google Cloud

Hands-on Foundations for Data Science and Machine Learning with Google Cloud Labs


In this Google Cloud Labs Specialization, you'll receive hands-on experience building and practicing skills in BigQuery and Cloud Data Fusion. You will start learning the basics of BigQuery, building and optimizing warehouses, and then get hands-on practice on the more advanced data integration features available in Cloud Data Fusion.

Learning will take place leveraging Google Cloud's Qwiklab platform where you will have the virtual environment and resources need to complete each lab.

This specialization is broken up into 4 courses comprised of a series of courses:

BigQuery Basics for Data Analysts Build and Optimize Data Warehouses with BigQuery Building Advanced Codeless Pipelines on Cloud Data Fusion Data Science on Google Cloud: Machine Learning

You will even be able to earn a Skills Badge in one of these lab-based courses.