SOLID Programming: Single Responsibility Principle in Unity

University/Institute: Coursera Project Network

SOLID Programming: Single Responsibility Principle in Unity


Programming of any kind, including in game-development, can get complicated as the size and scope of a project increase. Investigating bugs and expanding the code with new functionality can be almost impossible if the code-structure is not well-thought-out. In this one-hour, project-based course, we will cover the first principle of "SOLID" programming: Single Responsibility Principle ("SRP") states that a class should only be responsible for a single task. It sounds simple, but for many programmers, it's can be bit of a paradigm-shift. In the project, we will create some "typical" code that is fairly common in game-development, and then break it up to become compliant with SRP. This project is part one of a five-part series on SOLID Programming principles, which are: - Single Responsibility (this guided project) - Open-Closed - Liskov's Substitution - Interface Segregation - Dependency Inversion Each of these guided projects stands on its own, but for a full understanding of good coding practices, completing all five guided projects is recommended.