Let's Make a Gnome: Recycled Paper Art Craft

In this pre-recorded video class, you will learn how to create your own Earth friendly Gnome.

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Let's Make a Gnome: Recycled Paper Art Craft

What You Will Learn!

  • Make a gnome using recycled paper.
  • Simple painting techniques.
  • Follow instructions.
  • Practice a unique form of sculptural art.
  • Turn 2D material into a 3D object of art.


Work at your own pace to create a Gnome using recycled paper, white glue, and paint.

During this class you will have the opportunity to apply critical thinking, practice following instructions, and explore your own creative ideas. All while creating Earth friendly art through the use of upcycled paper!

This is a unique form of paper sculpting that I have been practicing for over a decade. It is not paper mâché. It is less messy, easier to shape, and will not mold.

Supplies needed for making your gnome:

-Paper (newspaper or advertising circulars preferred [avoid glossy papers like magazine pages, as these will not absorb the glue well])

-White or colored 8.5”x11” paper (printer paper, construction paper, anything clean on one side)

-White school glue (e.g. Elmer's glue). A 4 ounce bottle should be enough, but it never hurts to have extra as this process uses a lot of glue.




-Pen or marker

-Flat work surface with plenty of room to open a newspaper

-Plastic sheeting or tablecloth to protect work surface

-Rag (for wiping gluey fingers)

-Art apron or "play clothes"

Supplies needed for painting the finished gnome:

-Acrylic paint (assorted colors)

-Paint brush(es)

-Glass or disposable cup (for rinsing paint brushes)

-Flat work surface

-Plastic sheeting or tablecloth to protect work surface

-Rag (for wiping paint brushes)

-Art apron or "play clothes"

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for learners (8 years+) interested in art, sculpture, and recycling.



  • Paper Crafting






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