Learn about Lightning Web Components in Salesforce. You´ll learn how to download and install visual studio code in your system, and also how to download and install CLI and salesforce extension pack in your visual studio code.
We´ll see how LWC framework looks like, how to create LWC component, we´ll discuss about the files that an LWC component holds and what are their objectives.
Once we´ll have a LWC Component created, we´ll see how data flows from UI to backend or from backend to UI, so we´ll learn about one way and two way data binding in LWC.
Next, we´ll see how conditional rendering works in LWC.
And then, we´ll also see how you can render multiple templates in LWC with example.
Moving on, we´ll cover one of the most important aspects of LWC which is parent to child and child to parent communication among LWC Components.
We´ll also understand one of the other interesting topics of LWC which is LMS - Lightning message service. I´ll explain what it is and how you can achieve it with a demo.
I´ll also cover how LWC communicates with Apex class using wire decorator or imperative method.
I am also gonna be covering how you can create LWC data table and display your desired records.
At last, we´ll do a mini project on LWC component.
I hope once you complete this course, you will be pretty much comfortable in LWC.